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NBA live 19 companion app not available???
Ok so know I’m late on the jump, but I just got nba live 19. I scanned the QR code to get the companion app to scan my face. When I followed the link to the App Store it said the app is not available in my region or country. Im in US! I double-checked my Apple ID to make sure it had me in the United States which it does. What do I do? I can’t even view the app.Solved89KViews16likes16CommentsUnable to sign in to EA server
Hi, I'm facing connectivity issue I can't sign in to EA servers. It kept telling me to go to site. I have tried logging in to EA online account and it looks fine from web browser. Apart from that, my internet connection is working fine. I'm not sure what's wrong.Anonymous8 years ago73KViews14likes11Comments- Anonymous8 years ago54KViews7likes81Comments
No PC version? You kidding me EA?
How is it possible that EA decided to pull this trick with gamers seriously? There's PC version of Fifa and not for NBA? What? Are you telling me there are so little PC nba fans? How many of us grew up playing NBA live on PC before 2K came along with a better alternative. You want to take market share away from 2K yet you alienate your PC fans way to go EA. I was intrigued by "The One" mode but with no way to purchase this on PC. I'm bringing my money back to 2K.Solved45KViews9likes21CommentsHow do I send a invite to play a friend online in nba live 18
How do I send a game invite to a friend on nba live 18Anonymous8 years ago40KViews4likes8CommentsNBA Street 4 for PS4 and XBOX 1
NBA Street 4 for PS4 and XBOX 1 Hello EA, please read this. This may be a topic you at EA hear a lot about, but that is probably because of how good a game NBA Street 2, and even Street Homecourt were. Making a new updated version of NBA Street, probably name it NBA Street 4, or something more creative, would be great. First off, it is an iconic game of the ps2, and there is a large market of people who would buy it, just the other day my friends and I were talking about how great a game NBA Street vol 2 was. Obviously the NBA 2k series has hurt revenue from the NBA Live franchise, and I would say that 2k and Live are equal, even though I have 2k. Making a new Street game would help boost revenue of the basketball department, and would take away from 2k players, who many of would only buy one basketball game, and with the right advertising, NBA Street 4 would be a smash hit. The game would need only a few updates, such as graphics, and update the NBA teams and stars, and all that, but the game would almost be best if the format is untouched. What would make potential buyers even more interested is keeping this legendary soundtrack and putting it in the NBA Street 4 game, or at least make it a great soundtrack, and T.R.O.Y. would be a must have opening song. That song reminds so many people of great memories playing this game. Also, with only minor updates needed, that would allow time to do something that would put this game over the top, a super online mode, where you can do leagues with your friends, and everyone control a player, sort of like the park in th NBA 2k franchise, only this would be actually fun and a smash hit. EA hasn't let out a soley fun game in a long time, and this would also help the growing idea that the image of EA is a giant corporation soley interested in money and doesn't care about players interests. I'm not saying that's true at all or that is a bad thing, because it's not like your company is a non-profit charity, but there are famous youtubers even talking about their hatred of EA, especially in FIFA. In conclusion, this game should help your revenue and image, and hurt the NBA 2k franchise's revenue, but most importantly it's a good idea for a game that has been long overdue in a remake.Anonymous10 years ago38KViews6likes7CommentsNBA live face scan companion app
There’s two things 1. I deleted NBA live 19 and then got it back but my career face scan is still on the system storage on the PS4, but how do it transfer it to NBA Live 19 to play again? 2. The companion app isn’t available anymore on the App Store, but I went on registered and I found the app and re downloaded it again. The app still functions well but once it’s rendering the face scan, it doesn’t make it?Solved38KViews5likes12CommentsFranchise Mode nba live 19 freezes after playing a game
Product: NBA LIVE 19 Platform:Microsoft XBOX One Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? Franchise How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go to Franchise, end/quit game and you won't make it back. What happens when the bug occurs? It freezes and kicks me out of NBA Live 19 to my xbox home screen What should be happening instead? It not freezing...ever How severe is the bug? A - Crash/Critical Product: NBA LIVE 19 Platform:Microsoft XBOX One Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? Franchise How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Every time in Franchise mode the game freezes after a game. Doesn’t matter if i do or don’t touch the rosters. I’ve reinstalled the game. But as soon as I finish a game it freezes. What happens when the bug occurs? Freezes and kicks me out the game What should be happening instead? Going back to the main menu for franchise to play another game in the franchise mode. How severe is the bug? A - Crash/Critical SolvedAnonymous7 years ago23KViews4likes35CommentsNBA live 19 Update Bug
Product: NBA LIVE 19 Platform:Microsoft XBOX One Which version? Full Game Which feature / component / location in game are you experiencing issues with? In game updates How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Trying to see if it the same issue to you What happens when the bug occurs? So when I play the game I sign into my profile it get me into the menu and it shows below on the bottom left screen of the corner saying updating and it gives me 13 out of 13 update and It keeps happening every single time so I wanted to know that if my EA account have corrupted data for this game. What should be happening instead? Letting me play the game with no issues whatsoever How severe is the bug? B - Major Solved21KViews0likes29CommentsNBA live 15 Free throw problem
Having problems in gameplay almost every game. I am playing rising stars and every time a foul happens I worry its going to freeze like it does just about every game. Its not that the game itself freezes, its just that the ball never goes to the free throw shooter and it just has the guy stand there waiting for a ball that never comes. I like nba live more than 2k but having this problem is happening just about every game and I am forced to quit the game and start over. It is getting ridiculous.Anonymous11 years ago20KViews22likes129CommentsUseful suggestions for the new NBA Live 18
Hello there, I've been a hardcore NBA live fan since I was 7 back in 2000 and felt the need to provide you with some useful suggestions before the release of NBA LIVE 18. Now I do acknowledge that NBA Live is finally headed in the right direction with Live 18 compared to Live 16 but there are a few things that EA Sports should take into consideration since it has a strong partnership with ESPN. 1) I feel that you guys should add more of the NBA on ESPN themes especially the ones that are used during the NBA Playoffs. For example the themes in this link Usually those are the themes that they use during the playoffs which is something that you guys have yet to use in your games. I mean it's one thing that you have the ESPN License but atleast use it in the most realistic way possible. You guys should also add some of the new and old themes that they use during the regular into the game As well as this NBA theme This theme and this For now that's the only concern that I have with the game. Please take these suggestions. It will make the game better 🙂. Hope you have a good day. I love NBA live gamesSolvedAnonymous8 years ago17KViews4likes47CommentsNBA LIVE 18 - GamefaceHD skin tone mismatch
The face scan works pretty well, except my face is one nationality while my body is another.SolvedAnonymous8 years ago15KViews0likes23CommentsMy nba live account had been banned
Plzzz give me back my account i had been working hard since 1 year plzz fix this banSolvedAnonymous8 years ago14KViews0likes13CommentsNBA Live 19 Create A Player Issue
Since NBA Live 20 has not came out, I decided to update the rosters. I created all the rookies. And a screen popped up saying if you create more than 8 players and put them on all the same team, the faces will reset. Somehow, there are less then 5 players on each team. And that glitch still happened. EA please fix this issue. It is ruining the game.14KViews2likes12Comments