Fuse's Abilities Pre-Season 8 Feedback
So, you mean to tell us that you removed two grenades per slot as a "nerf" against grenades spamming, and then introduced a legend that can go right back to spamming the grenades? I mean, its certainly better than everyone having two per slot and Fuse having 3 per slot, but the point is Fuse and Horizon are going to get along well, as one can throw a blackhole and you'll be less likely to escape from it, since Fuse can easily carry 6 grenades in 3 slots, and throw them faster at that. The only thing about this passive I like, is being able to throw it faster, farther, and more accurately. I can see the double stack being way too overpowered in some cases.
I recommend keeping the one stack grenade and just allowing Fuse to be better at using it, like how Lifeline is better at reviving, and Octane is better at running.
This ability seems interesting, I wonder if it would be too strong on release or if its going to end up like Caustic's traps / Wattson's fences where no one cares if they're deployed or not.
Currently see nothing "wrong" about this ability.
A ring of fire? All you manage to do is temporarily trap legends in a circle, in which you'll just create a meta where people use legends that can bypass this. Legends like Pathfinder, Horizon, Wraith, Octane, and Loba are the only ones who can go over or through the flames without issues, and if they have a Pathfinder, Octane, Horizon, and Wraith, it's easier to get your team out of the ring of fire. Not to mention that you show Fuse requiring an Octane to get into the ring of fire to even do close range fighting.
I recommend that this ability is rethought of. A ring of fire doesn't seem very practical. What seems more practical is having those missiles you tease either drop and create a small ring of fire, sort of like an air strike, except they do fire damage and not explosive damage, or they just fall randomly around where they get thrown and Fuse has to set them off. This allows him to sort of control who takes damage and when, it also makes it to where he could be affected if he's too careless. Currently as it stands, Fuse would only get picked by grenade spamming loving players, and I can already see ring of fires in the final ring plus gas traps everywhere, which means you're screwed no matter what. The fire could even fully prevent you from being able to push the last closing ring if you can't go around or through it. Which means you die to the ring and fire. I love how a "skill based" game keeps throwing skills out the window. That was a joke.