Game need some balancing for the lower skill players.
I’m not a crouch spamming, aim assist tricking, hits every shot on your head player. So it’s frustrating that I have to go against that. You can cry about “skill issue” and “just get good” but some of us don’t have the time nor the want to spend five hours in firing range for warm ups. I used to play a lot from season 1 to around 7 ish, and I was decent at the game then. But since I’ve just found it harder and harder to compete in basic modes that just doesn’t make the game fun. I’ve seen it happen more than once, newer players or players who have to step away from the screen mid game to tend to personal life matters are insulted and blamed for losing the game. If you’re good at the game to get a decent set of kills every game, then you shouldn’t be matched with players who used to play and may be high level, but just aren’t the same skill level anymore.
i love the core game of apex legends, and I’ve had amazing memories on it. Make the bot royale mode longer and actually give out smaller amounts than normal games, with slower challenge completion or something. Maybe rework the way people are matchmade, so it goes off more factors like how much accuracy you average, how much your moving during fights, even if you’re pre made with a squad of friends.
if you’re having fun and getting kills and winning every other game, good on you, but the lower skill level players aren’t able to keep up. A lot of my friends now aren’t able to have fun on the game because they can’t even win a one on one fight. myself included.
feels like I’m in a completely different skill set in every fight because of the way I USED to be able to play. I’m not asking to buff or debuff anything, or even to lead a crusade against the high skill players. If you’re of a higher skill level and you’re going against someone like me, it’s too easy of a kill to really brag about. Call it bot behaviour or skill issue, but at the end of the day the more the game pushes away people who aren’t capable of reaching anything beyond silver or gold in ranked (skill set example), the less people actually get to play the game. I get a huge headache after playing a few matches because it needs laser focus all the time. And it feels like if you miss even a few shots, you’re not surviving. You’ll need to reload because you got the enemy down to a small amount of health, and by then you’re either fighting ANOTHER person in their squad, or another team entirely.
And if you want to look at it from a business perspective, the more the game caters to ALL skill levels, the more people are open to playing the game. I can’t even justify buying a skin in the shop with LEGEND TOKENS because I’m not able to play the game enough to even consider buying them. I’d rather just wait for the next legend.
to summarise, lower skill players who were maybe once good at the game, but came back after a long burn out, are being put into games with players who zip line hop or have near perfect accuracy when sliding or falling. Either improve bot royale to be a permanent casual mode where low skill players aren’t populating pubs as much, where you can complete challenges so you can still progress your purchased battle pass or event without having to kill off brain cells to compete in a normal match. I’ve got friends who like playing against people and those who don’t, so I hardly see how it would be at all detrimental.