Forum Discussion
I dont think old bp content should come back, skins are going to be less rare. Its your fault for not playing since season 1.
- 4 years ago@DJustS So what if I rare, sooner or later the skin that was rare would be forgotten because of a new skin that is maybe better than that one. All this rare nonsense is annoying and it's just a skin that everyone could get.
- 4 years ago
@DreNH17I have purchased every battlepass besides season 1 because I was new and wasn’t sure if I was going to enjoy the game or not, anyways I don’t really see an issue with Battlepass Skins returning because they really are not ‘’Rare’’ to begin with... I don’t know how many players Apex has total but for a random number lets say 100 million... now imagine if 60% of the players purchased the battlepass thats 60 million players with that skin... but because there are many better skins available for each legend they may or may not ever be worn which gives off the impression that these are ‘’rare’’ skins when in reality they just are not being used
In my opinion the ONLY ‘’rare’’ skins in Apex are Twitch Prime Skins because I would imagine only a limited amount of players actually own Amazon Prime and not every one of them knows they can redeem a free skin every month..., other than twitch Prime there are only a select few recolors that have not returned like Bloodbound’s White Winter whatever skin from Season 1
(It will likely return eventually and not be rare anymore unlike Twitch Prime Skins)
They have in the patch notes that starting in Season 11 future Battlepass skins will be purchasable (this has changed multiple times it did say season 10 but now says 11) also a bundle according to the files will have a past battlepass skydive emote in it for pathfinder
personally I would just make all of the battlepass skins purchasable for 1000 apex coins (or higher priced since they are older) because lets say someones a Wattson Main they may want to work on the Season 3 battlepass for the Wattson Gothic Cyborg Skin or someone may want to work on the Season 2 battlepass for the Octane Jade Tiger skin
It would also be a nice feature if someone purchased the battlepass but didn’t finish it if they could finish it at a later date because if they purchased it they deserve to get their money’s worth, another thing is that I sometimes tend to finish the battlepass with a 1 1/2 months if not 2 months left of the season (depending if I enjoy the season or not) which would be plenty of time for someone who is newer to work on a previous battlepass after completing the current season’s- 4 years ago@TheApexLegendNub Yea I don't have an issue with it either but when people bring up the 'rare skin' nonsense it just confuses me cause anyone could have gotten the skin.
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