6 years ago
Legend Buff/Nerf Proposal Masterlist
The following is my list of proposed buffs, nerfs, and general changes to the legend roster as it currently stands in Season 3. These are just my opinions, and I'm open to any comments or constructive feedback. Thanks for reading.
- Buffs:
- Slightly increase detonation speed of ultimate projectiles. (0.5 seconds?)
- Nerfs:
- Internal cooldown on passive, 1-3 seconds, to slightly curb her repositioning power.
- Buffs:
- Reduce the casting time of ultimate by another 10%, just to further reduce downtime and clunkiness during combat.
- Ability to track footprints from slightly (5 meters?) farther away.
- Ability to see ammo boxes in their proper color while using ultimate, as it can be difficult at a glance to see which type of ammo you're looking at. Also applies to item rarities.
- Nerfs:
- None.
- Buffs:
- Change the gas so that teammates are NOT affected by it at all, it's absurd that an ability can single-handedly lose a fight for your team to no fault of their own. (We've all been asking for this forever Respawn pls.)
- Ability for teammates to be able to tell the difference between friendly and enemy Caustic traps. Perhaps a border glow or a different color at the base of the trap if it's an ally's trap. This would make for dramatically less confusion.
- Increase throw range of traps by 5-10 meters for better positioning of traps.
- Increase either the radius of his ultimate by 5 meters, or the damage by 2-3 per tick.
- Nerfs:
- None.
- Buffs:
- New Ability - Found You.: Crypto is able to use his drone to hack Survey Beacons (either remotely or by activating them similar to a Pathfinder), allowing him to briefly reveal areas on the map where the most damage has been done to players. Think of it as a heatmap of the map's fights, displayed in red circles similar to Hot Drop locations, with more action resulting in bigger and/or more saturated indicators. These would disappear after 1 minute and would display on the map for you and your entire team. This would play perfectly into the "hacker" theme, as well as his theme of "finding" people as referenced in his quotes. "You're lucky I found you before they did."
- Perhaps a sort of "Stealth Mode" for the drone? The way I imagine it would be that it would only have half or 1/4 the usual range, and would be unable to interact with objects, use EMP, or scan players for a time, but would be stealthed similar to old Mirage ult, and would be dramatically quieter. Would be extremely useful with teams that communicate well. This would of course have a cooldown similar to the one incurred when the drone is destroyed.
- Reduce time required to enter/exit drone by a significant amount. (Half the time?) Currently, it feels clunky or simply too slow to get into the drone to reposition it if enemies are aware of you when a fight is happening. It shouldn't be instant, but the amount of wait time makes you a bit too vulnerable considering how easily detectable and killable the drone is.
- Immunity from or reduction in severity of enemy Crypto EMPs, similar to how Caustic is always immune to all gas.
- Nerfs:
- Perhaps a very slightly smaller radius for EMP, especially if the above drone nerfs would make him too powerful.
- Buffs:
- Bullet shield slightly less pigmented, as it's a dead giveaway at any range, which is sort of counter-intuitive.
- Nerfs:
- Dome Shield duration reduced slightly, but cooldown reduced slightly to compensate. This would make him less powerful in drawn-out fights, but more consistent overall.
- Buff/Nerf:
- Not entirely a buff, and not entirely a nerf. What I would propose is that Lifeline could use HEALTH items (Med Kits/Syringes/Phoenix) 10% faster than she can currently, while also being able to see them in a blue outline like what your teammates have when in a 20 meter distance from them. To compensate for this, she would use shield items at the normal speed for other legends. Would solidify her as the "health" support.This would work in combination with my proposed changes to Wattson, which you will see later on in the list.
- Buffs:
- If clones are cast to stand near an enemy death box, they would crouch and/or look at the death box so that they would be more convincing.
- Passive should create multiple clones instead of just one. (2 or 3.)
- Nerfs:
- None.
- Buffs:
- His ultimate should because usable as soon as it touches the ground, as it's always been obnoxious having to wait a few seconds for it to become active, and ruins the theme of a "nonstop, fast-paced speed demon" legend.
- Ultimate should make slightly less noise when used, as it makes you nearly a free kill to higher-end players if you don't position perfectly.
- Nerfs:
- None.
- Buffs:
- When a Survey Beacon is used, the next location for Care Packages insides of that future ring should be revealed for Path and his team. This would encourage more use of a passive I feel is under-utilized by the playerbase.
- Nerfs:
- Zipline cooldown should be increased slightly. Pathfinder is simply too good at the moment. It's fine that his own movement is amazing, as that's the point of the legend, but he enables an entire team to reposition effortlessly and quickly, to the point that he feels mandatory to have on a team if you want to play seriously.
- Buff/Nerf:
- This is to tie in with the proposed change(s) to Lifeline. Since Lifeline would be getting a buff to health items at the cost of losing the shield item speed buff, I suggest giving that speed increase on SHIELD items (Battery/Cell/Phoenix) to Wattson. This means that her shield items would be used at the speed that Lifeline uses health items, solidifying her as a support that is capable of holding her own again. After the release of the new map, Wattson feels sort of weak, and I think making her the "shield" support with this buff in addition to her ultimate would be a nice way to bring her back into relevance for players.
- Buffs:
- Slightly reduce the delay on her Into the Void's activation, as it can feel odd sometimes when ping discrepancy is a thing and you still die when you should be safe in the void. Increase the cooldown to compensate and make her less consistently powerful.
- Nerfs:
- Longer cooldown on her portal, as it's available far too often, and in combination with her already small hitbox makes her simply too powerful for skirmishes, while also providing amazing utility to her team. Her global play rate and other stats really speak for themselves.