Forum Discussion
Hugely disgusted with the nerf to caustic. Makes it even harder to be an agro player when enemies dont get remotely slowed by gas, no blur. I agree your teammates should not be affected by your gas. But dam, we run in pop our gas, players using any aim assist (aimbit) dropping canisters before they even deploy, and they run right through gas with no problem. So what it hits for 6-9, that Capital Fffffing hilarious, 6-9 lolololol. Its fricking weak. They camp in the gas now, just moving in and downing teammates. Its becoming shamefully useless except to tie up a door so you can keep running. Especially the vast areas and fields in new map. Horizon just pops her lift and magic out of gas range, octane throws jump pad, and magic out of range. All enemies just literally run wider circles and gas cant do shhhht. Caistoc was already a hard Main, now it's even harder. The amount of aimbot, and large hit box, it's just like a bullet sponge with no way to avoid because we are stuck in large fricking areas. The traps literally suck and dont hold off anyone or protect team everyone is literally running right through especially purple, gold or red shields it's become literally laughable. What a shame. They need to change it back, just make it so team doesnt get gassed by traps. What a shame Respawn!!
- 5 years ago@Mig_Killz Yea I can't even play Caustic anymore and I am pissed off that they took away blur vision, so I had to give up on him unless they give him back his blur vision honestly. I'm having much more fun with other characters then I did with caustic
- 5 years ago@Mig_Killz This was from over a year ago, and is definitely outdated. I would suggest making a new thread of your own.
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