2 months ago
Looking for Tips to Improve My Aim💗
My aim is really bad, and I'm looking for some tips to improve it. My current level is 432. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 💕
roseewolffx Here's a few things you can try out, (which can be done on PC and on Console within Apex):
1) Practice in the Firing Range:- You have access to every weapon and attachment, so you'll be able to practice with different weapons and attachments to get used to weapon's recoil and to help you aim.
- The Firing Range dummies can also be customized a bit to do things such as move around and crouch, (allowing you to have more practice with aiming).
- Invite friends to join you in the Firing Range. There's a 1v1 fighting pit in the Firing Range, as well as buildings to fight in and around.
- The Firing Range targets can also be used as target practice, (especially the ones that move), or you can shoot at a wall and imagine a bullseye.
2) Jump into a match of Bot Royal:
- When dropping in, try to land near the enemy bots, and find a weapon to fight these bots.
Note: From my experiences, every bot, (both teammates and enemies), tend to miss their shots, while the teammate bots usually sit back, (where they don't shoot as much, allowing you to take down the enemy bots). Be warned however, that if you get swarmed by the enemy bots, you can go down pretty quickly! (So fight these bots as if they're real players). - Like with the Firing Range, you can also shoot at a wall and imagine a bullseye. Although, an enemy bot may walk up to you, or the ring may start to close past you. (For those two reasons, this would be best done in the Firing Range).