Forum Discussion
33 Replies
Her abilities effect gives her away too much and kinda defeats its purpose when you hit Q you are just gonna die when the ability ends cause they know where you are going and to top it off you wont know where they have moved to since you cant see anyone within the ability.
Suggestion remove the blue trail and add like shadows of players so she isnt coming out blind.
I can't believe this thread even exists. Wraith got smallest hitbox and way to ignore damage for some time, plus ability to set up portal and you want more?
What a disgusting twisted thread this is.
@Anonymous wrote:Title says it all.
I'm enjoying using her abilities but her ultimate seems a bit useless in a lot of scenarios where it would be useful, should she be invisible for the duration of her ultimate.How about this...
dont ask for the most OP spammed legend to get any buffs....
make sense?
- YES! I completely agree either make her invisible with her ultimate so we can set up some sneaky plays with her or just make no trail behind her tactical ability to make that more useful. I hate when you use her tactical and they just follow your trail so its useless and by the time you bring your gun out they shoot you. also it wont make her OP because the duration of her tactical is not that long anyways so you can barely reach a piece of cover that is like 15 meters away... at least if you were completely invisible they wont know which cover you are running for and it might give you more time for you to get to that cover
Wraiths substantially smaller hitbox is bad enough... No need to buff her in any way. If anything, bring her hitbox up to par.
As for her abilities specifically, i've seen them used quite well as is. They are quite viable to gameplay.
Sure. as soon as her hit box is nerfed.
You do realize that the duration of her ult could last 60 seconds right? You really want her to be invisible and not able to be hurt for up to 60 seconds? Wraith is fine, every legend has a draw back to their abilities, Wraith should be no different.
I love wraiths ability’s but they can also suck when you can’t see the enemy but they can clearly see you. Also there should be a speed boost for her tactical so it isn’t completely useless, thank you for your concern on making this a great game.
Mirage is not invisible when using his ult.
No Legend should be invisible, you are invincible for the time using it and if you use it smart or to escape hot situations its hard enaugh to follow.
Don't change it, its good how it is. Wraith with the smallest hitbox, gap closer and LOL Button is easy enaugh to play and use.
Nope, I don't want that, would make her too strong IMO.
She already has an "oh *" button.
If you give her a second "oh *" button, but add an "oh *, well now I can get really really far and set up a portal ambush even though I was the one ambushed in the first place", it wouldn't seem right.
She deserves to be seen when using the Portal, for all the times I've aimed on her, shot, but missed because of her smaller hitbox.
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