5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
i feel like people who have played since season 0 have been cheated. The new Evo idea is absolutely horrible. Every shield's health being reduced by 25% was a horrible idea. I have played and based my entire strategy on going with 200 health all game and now that is ruined. The starting with Evo was fun with King's Canyon, and I hated that mode on world's edge. Its now also ruined and I get an entire week of this (even more) ruined world's edge with ridiculous amounts of loot. I thought the game was perfect in Season 5 but I guess you guys had to make all these unreasonable tweaks for a newer fanbase. Pls change the shield health back and completely get rid of the evo idea. I hate this apex with a passion. and especially more cause I can't even play the only good map for an entire week.
I don't want to say it, but they will never fix the bloody matchmaking system and will continue to force us to play with players whose brain capacity is equal to a mouse.
Season 6 it self is not bad
I like map changes
and cosmetic changes
volt is ok
crafting eh
But now everything else is fu.ed up
Cheaters more and more...
lol DEV really hate that game and they wont to kill it XD
I was waiting for that season to see if any thing will be done but it is again the same as always.
till season release i had some hope and still want play a little but now is like i dont care i played one release day for 1-2 h and i didn't enjoyed.. sad.
In these 1-2 h i seen so many cheaters that i was shocked. Usually after map changes people are confused and dont have game sense but not these time.. its no hiding from cheaters no surprise they know any thing about u. and u get lasered in sec.
Armor Changes = Horrible
Holo Addon = Waisted dev time that could been devoted to real issues of the game
New Energy Weapon = Dumb down someone in .5 easily
In the time spent doing all the above would been enough time to just create a new map and easily use models from other maps to fill spaces verse designing what i know was quite hard things that was added.
All in all a lot player concerns was not addressed. Bloodhounds in ult can at times run up to people to their face dead silent to the user. Still horrible movement sounds of team making it seem like enemies are around.
3rd Party recoil users was not addressed (Never expected it to be) this has been a major concern for a majority of your players and never spoken on or inforced on.
Cheaters are still out here plowing lobbies like a god.
Server shut down errors Netcode errors and more. There was no major influx of players compared to what normally is logged in.
The testers are not reporting a margine of the bugs out there. I am not sure what some of them do but a lot these bugs are easily found and seen.
The game would launch with cleaner systems if testers truly put in hours on it testing it. Not spend 30 minutes or an hour on it but spend actual days on it to ensure its a clean launch. Have them hit the firing range and parse out damage and amount of time damage can accure. Have them see how quick things can die with what weapons and how fast. There are many things that can be tested and prevented if the tester legit does what they are there to do.
Getting to the new gun this thing is insane the damage is does the fire rate it has it can literally down someone with in .5 to 1 second of head shots ive done it a lot now. Even on chest shots that person will be melted. Guns like this are what takes away balancing in the game. All you did was create the R99 in a energy weapon with less recoil. It also has way to fast reload time.
You brought back Devo ( I have no problem with ) but you reduce recoils on havoc - hemlok - prowler this made the guns usable by anyone which is cool but at same time barely nudging your mouse is 100% control. This also creates a un balanced system where skill is no longer needed while those of us hardcore players had to learn recoil patterns to use such guns with such accuracy. Now you have turned the game to easy mode for anyone. No one can learn if they are easily able to slaughter. Myself included im not trying to slaughter a map with broken guns with no recoil. It is too easy and there is no skill involved other then point and shoot.
Ramp legend the big cannon on her does not look great from a team mate seeing it imo. I get why its there just ugly to me. You also virtually made it impossible to advance on a ring or team with this legend on high ground. Unlimited bullets x3 = no one stands a chance. Again breaking the balancing of the game and abilities to counter. There is nothing to counter this chick other then a caustic gas really. I am sure there are more but way my head see it very hard to advance on her at all if she is set up on that turrent. The damage is does is also stupid. 1 full mag does roughly 800-990 damage. I was shot by this thing 2 times different matches and 1 bullet was instant death. Made the game not fun for me.
Ranked is still the same crap show we seen before just with star wars lazer central going on. still same toxic cheaters and recoil macro users.
I did not like this update needless to say never addressed real problems instead added more.