5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
how could i have a wrong opinion? I have never met someone that enjoys this map over King's Canyon including newbs. And its not meta when everyone loses health. what game has just taken base health off the top after a year and a half of gameplay. No game that's good that's for sure. And this game has shown with this update that its not good
@sup3r_fly54 You know your not the only one that lost health so did the people your fighting which evens the playing field and leaves it down to who has better judgment in a gunfight. Its literally shows how good you are in those situations, and never get too attached to a map most br games have map changes i don't know what you expected from this one its no different.
Better judgement? I play gibby with an alternator, landed every shot on a loba, and got rekt by a volt in 2 seconds with full health. I have played with normal health for a year and a half so it really throws off my entire game and strategy. I can't be aggressive and don't enjoy sniping on apex so the update, in my opinion, is stupid unbalanced and makes the game very very very unfun for me. I'd rather just not play it then deal with changing my strategy up so I'm not dead in 0.5 seconds
@sup3r_fly54 then your not doing it right that simple I play Bangalore most of the time and she's not even a fortified legend it means your just not doing good enough. It literally no that hard to strafe and make someone miss half there shots. You clearly doing something wrong.