5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
i feel like people who have played since season 0 have been cheated. The new Evo idea is absolutely horrible. Every shield's health being reduced by 25% was a horrible idea. I have played and based my entire strategy on going with 200 health all game and now that is ruined. The starting with Evo was fun with King's Canyon, and I hated that mode on world's edge. Its now also ruined and I get an entire week of this (even more) ruined world's edge with ridiculous amounts of loot. I thought the game was perfect in Season 5 but I guess you guys had to make all these unreasonable tweaks for a newer fanbase. Pls change the shield health back and completely get rid of the evo idea. I hate this apex with a passion. and especially more cause I can't even play the only good map for an entire week.
@sup3r_fly54If you deal enough damage, you still get 200 health, and also, the Time To Kill is ossum, much better than it was. It gives noob an actual chance to kill someone, and makes the game flow faster.
@Cracjaw450Nobody cares about noobs....there is no such thing as “evening the playing field”....in a game where the only unlocks are purely aesthetic....if you were dying a lot and not getting kills.....practice more and get better like the rest of us....this is the dumbest update for anyone who actually enjoyed this game and was good at it because they logged in enough hours and died enough to learn how to get better. Respawn plain and simple killed this game. All the real apex players that played all the time and actually payed for the battle passes and everything just to appease CoD type players who might play this game once in a while for an hour when they’re not playing CoD.....
Dumbest update in the world. Me and my buddies have been playing this game every week since season 1.....we have played about 10 matches since launch of S6 and now we haven’t played for days....like pretty much every other Apex player as this forum is revealing. If they don’t revert all the armor and TTK you can say goodbye to the game too.
It’s not even about getting an even playing field.
I’ve put in the hours but I am naturally crap at the game. However, I still enjoyed it and played a supporting role in the teams I was in.
now, with the reduced ttk (i.e. shields) I’m only in the game a few seconds. If you’re not getting a few kills a game you’re worthless to the team.
Make Apex Legends like Battlefield what comes to teams. .5 x 3 men squads vs other 5 x 3men squads