5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
Season 6 and its changes to Apex Legends
This post is based on two Apex Legends players opinions. If you do not agree, please leave a comment below stating why.
When Season 6 was first announced my pal and I were very excited. We couldn't wait for some new map changes, a new character, and even a new gun.
We watched each video released to build on top of our excitement for the game but, once we loaded the game. We noticed a lot of new changes that we did not agree with.
Our first main problem was the armor update. As we had no real issue with the armor in the game, it feels unnecessary. Along side each piece of armor now becoming EVO armor, this completely removes the high risk and reward function with EVO armor. With everything being able to evolve, the requirements were reduced . . again. The requirements are so low that anyone with a sniper rifle can easily reach Red Armor with just one or two squad fights.
Once we saw that anyone can obtain body armor by simply doing 50 damage, this removes the point of searching for loot anymore. If I can go to a hotspot, take out one team by myself, I would walk out with purple armor and head to the next fight without searching a single area for useful loot.
The second change to the game we disagreed with was the in-game crafting system. We found it a little unique with some risk/reward situations but, once we learned that the items crafted were items you could previously find on the ground, this felt entirely un-needed. The crafting system is a new function with some potential to add some new encounters to the game but, this is pointless if you just wish to craft an Eva-8 Shotgun. For example, lets say you were able to craft gold equipment, or obtain ammo for certain guns.
The last and biggest change we strongly disagreed with was the Recon Character Changes. There has been a lot of de-buffs placed upon Pathfinder as of late, resulting in less use of him. We could understand why people would complain about this character allowing players to perform things that are not considered fair but, we thought nothing of it. As we read the news that both Bloodhound and Crypto can use the survey beacons to find the next ring, our mouths dropped. As this will completely remove the purpose of playing Pathfinder and causing all Pathfinder mains to switch to Octane for his unique abilities and speed. Alongside Pathfinder becoming more obsolete by each coming update, Crypto has obtained a huge buff with his drone. The drone's hitbox may have increase, but the heal has doubled and you are able to revive teammates at respawn becans instantly from a safe distance. We admitted that being able to use the Respawn becan and the Survey becan made some sense, as long as it still takes time to perform these actions ( maybe even more time since he is not there in person?). The last character to be changed was Bloodhound. The ultimate is now able to increase the duration with each passing knock-down or kill. This feels very unnecessary. Alongside this was a buff allowing for Bloodhound to use his scan ability faster with his ultimate active. We had no problems until we saw the number, 6 seconds. This has become a very easily abuse-able ability. Another factor we did not agree with was Bloodhound using a Recon becan. As this makes very little sense with his background with his tribe. We understand that he has started to embrace technology but, with him being able to use a Recon becan feels very wrong.
And with this, I conclude our rant about the new changes to Apex Legends