5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
So here’s the thing.. I’ve read through almost all of the feedback for this season and I just wanted to give my two cents and pray that devs see it so it will help them understand why this update has been so controversial. I literally only made an ea profile just for this.
Ive played since late season 3 so I don’t have disruptor hop up flashbacks or knowledge about season 0-3. Although I am a D3 ranked player so I believe I have fairly good game knowledge. So onto the feedback:
Weapon metas changing is normal, I see the value in changing it often so as to protect the game from feeling stale. Everybody has always complained about energy weapons. (Same with r9/pk meta) Changing the meta is the devs prerogative and will always see pushback from one side or the other. The current meta of energy weapons will be no different and my personal opinion is that they buffed it a little too much.
Volt: shreds but not anymore than an r9 in capable hands. Could use a slight damage nerf if anything
havoc: same recoil pattern as devo. Anyone who can use the devo accurately can use the havoc. It’s been nerfed a couple times for a reason. Should probably vault the turbocharger again...
Devotion: everybody knows it’s OP. Including devs. (Hence it becoming a care package weapon in the first place). I think a decrease in all mag sizes could help balance it.
once again it will be similar to weapon meta changes, some people will love it while some people will hate it. The community will adapt either way but will also complain and praise the whole time. As for this seasons legend buffs and nerfs I don’t have much to say because it’s all adaptable. (Except maybe crypto emp slowing teammates lol)
Rampart: a little OP with the amount of times you can use her abilities. Changing it to two amped covers deployable with a maximum of three present I think would fix that as well as make her more of an aggressive legend.
Sheila: if care package weapons have a limited amount of ammo why wouldn’t a turret that can do more damage in one magazine than any full squad with full health has? Definitely limit the amount of ammo. Should also only be able to have one present at any time.
All great. Crafting just feels like an added bonus. Nothing too game changing.
This is game changing. Quite literally and not in a good way in my opinion. The vast majority of the negativity about this season stems from this. this change makes it feel like a completely different game than the one we were playing a week ago. The reason I chose to play Apex rather than other BRs was because of the seamless mixture of gunplay and positioning strategy. It wasn’t set in stone which would prevail in every scenario. I could have better positioning and my opponent better gun skills and sometimes I would win and sometimes they would. It gave variety and unpredictability that we fell in love with. There’s been so much debate about whether or not the new ttk requires more or less skill but what these debates fail to realize is that both are true. We’re just talking about different skills. Gunplay vs positioning. Before this update it was a toss of a coin which one would win (in other words: balanced) and it’s fairly clear what one is going to win now considering they even included it into the patch notes. If they just didn’t want 225HP Gibby+arm shield bubble fights then use the model of the limited time game modes (always be closing evolved etc) No ground armor. More heals. The only way to get better armor is to deal damage, kill opposing teams and loot theirs or come across death boxes. Even keep the crafted damage to promote crafting. The evolution looking like:
white - 25 shield
blue - 50
purple - 75
gold - 100
red - 100 + healing perks (like the current gold)
if you’ve read this far thank you and feel free to respond. The last thing I’ll say is if they decide to keep the ttk as is I hope they implement solos like the other BRs that have short ttk. In my opinion the long ttk is what made this such a good team based game. If I’m going to be beamed in the back by a devo in .5 secs I want it to be my fault not because my teammate didn’t win their 1v1.