5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
Hello mates,
Good thingies:
- massive changes --> much to learn
- new legend
- new gun
- crafting
- sniping is more effective now (somewhat average player like me can do something with em)
Not so good thingies:
- servers are still not in that state where they should be.
- audio issues
- armor change
- due to above (time to kill) have changed apex crucially. This game no longer feel like Apex.
- sniping is more effective now (players with god like aim are ruling Apex games even more that before)
- banner recovery animation. How the hell elite mercenaries are looking that thing for so long?!
- more server capacity to provide lag and disconnect free games.
- could these audio issues occur because of servers?
- reverting armor changes or decrease weapon dmg. Make game to feel more like "old" Apex
- Would be awesome to have banner recovery animation reworked. Would be great if you could actually grab it on tight spot. If you manage to take banner you could have invisibility for small amount of time or get some extra armor or you could shoot while you are holding that block of death in your palms. Could that animation be at least a bit shorter?
Overall feeling is really mixed about this patch. Fights are really fast and there is way more shooting and peaking and instant melting than before.
Crafting is a nice bonus to try play more with your own terms. example --> You are not so keen to get in first brawls so you can gear up and prepare for the final clash. Mixed feelings still..crafting takes pretty much time and does it help so much..is it really worth it?
Major issue for me is this time to kill which is drastically lowered. It's feels off. Apex isn't really the same anymore and I hope they will increase time to kill. Not necessarily so much what it was before but even just a bit.
Final notation in my case it's funny to notice that my k/d ratio have gone down but my win ratio up.
Cheers to all and have a great day in Apex (and IRL).
OMG, why you revert TTK? Such a great start to the season and [Admin - Removed] up everything again
You killed the ttk Respawn... The game was almost perfect in the start of season 6... Now it's just [Admin - Removed]
idk why people are complaining about ttk its the same as season 5 you lived with it before and you can for sure do it again
It's not really the same as season 5 because we all have EVO shields now. With lower TTK EVO shields on all was fine but now it's just annoying, most of my game ends with everyone in red shields (because you can easilly farm unkillable players 100 meters aways) taking ages to die, full of * like "OLOL I MISSED ONLY ONE BULLET ! (and when that bullet is missed because of a * wraith's hitbox, it's even more trash + it favor * controllers or strike packs on console as you don't want to miss a bullet) So he survived, healed and here we go again and again and again until another team finally third party"
The TTK was fine at the season start, the only problem was the energy weapons.
Lower TTK and all evo shields or old TTK but with normal shields was fine.
But Old TTK + all EVO shields is utter *.