5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
Can we please lower the damage dealt from punches? It's so stupid that a single punch does more damage than most of the weapon's bullets. I died so many times by people chasing me to punch me to death, they don't even pick guns from the ground anymore!
Little worried about this game. Its all in the numbers, and respawn im sure, have there eye on it.
I had more that a 120 friends, online, at any givin time.
That number dropped to 5! FIVE!!!
Twitch numbers drop from 100k viewers to 15k? WHAT????
Dont know what is going on, but it needs fixing.
Release a new map and stop the stupid game changes.
1. For example: Why the pathfinder nerf, you think pathfinder players are going to hop on another legend? No, pathfinder is his baby, he has spend thousands of dollars on skins, and countless hours practicing, and then 35s cool down out of no where? Why because a noob cried? Yes pathfinder die hard legends, that breathe, eats, woke in the mornings this legend, has now left your game, they not going to hop on something else and start over, you ruined his legend for him. How dare you after all the money he spend, and hours he has put in?
2. Another example: First the ridiculous Gibby buff witch was one huge community joke, and now this Bloodhoud buff scanning every second? He was already buffed to perfection, and now another to make him?
3. This game is 99% Lobby, Fly, Land, Die, Lobby, Fly, Land, Die. The other 1 percent is maybe every 55th game where you where lucky enough to get a decent gun, and 2 okay teammates, that works together. I dont know what it is, maybe the maps are too small, there is no settling/looting time. Season 6, im consistently without fail, in between 5 teams. ? What is going on? Everyone now camping, waiting in buildings? People know the two old maps to well? Rotations are memorized?. Have no idea, but its messy. And I repeat. More than 12 months the same thing over and over. Same two damn maps?
4. Then the shield changes, yes it is reverted back, but 2 weeks of frustration added over and above the old content we sitting with, day in day out, same over and over and over.
Instead of Spending time changing/adding stuff on top of old stuff, rather finishing a new map, adding new legends, not sugar coat old stuff.
Season 6 honestly looks like you did not know what to do with your time. You had to fill in gaps to distract people from real new content. AKA adding another MAP. Or the map was ready and then EA was no, next season? And the silence, everyone acting like noting is wrong. No new map, oh okay. Well at least they sprinkled some fairy dust there in the corner, and added some pretty flowers on the mountains. Common really?
Why did Respawn not come out and say something. They know very well, EVERYONE was expecting a new map. EVERYONE. This very disappointment, killed this game for many.
Okay rant over.
PS: Before the: stop complaining, oh noob crying replies. I do have 3k hours in the game. I love this game.
Season 6 changes were very bad for me. Season 5 winrate was about 6%+, now it´s about 3%+
With 5 wins out of 150 games, Apex Legends makes zero fun anymore. I´m just disapointed
Hey, developers. It's "Dummies' Big Day," not "Dummies Big Day!!" I can't take those wins unless I'm working with good grammar.