Forum Discussion
you realize the full yellow shield (legendary) is just a purple shield right? the only reason it makes it legendary is that you have to execute them if you want full shields without using any shield cells or batteries. So yeah the shotgun aka peacekeeper is doing what it needs to do. unless you want a nerf gun to play with I suggest you go to fortnight were all the kids get there way. Otherwise stop crying and out play the other player.
- 6 years ago
It doesn't, purple/gold armor makes players have 200 HP gauges.
PK should hit 165 if all pallets hit head - tell me how it works as it should when it oneshots 200HP (+dmg reduction of an armor) with 165 dmg total?
PK needs more pallet spread - it's stupid it can nuke 3/4 of my HP across whole Market distance without ADS nor Choke. It's just stupidly OP.- 6 years agoIt’s a shot gun if you are super close and all shots hit you max damage is done what else do you want if the have a purple barrel with the choke the shots are even tighter making it almost like a slug
- 6 years ago
"Its a shotgun it's supposed to hurt" is a stupid argument. It can still hurt while not being OP. And nobody is asking for it to be a nerf gun, that's just idiotic.
Balance. It's a thing that can be done.
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