Forum Discussion
So you are telling us that you actually stay after you get 1 shot by some guy who is lvl 90 and spectate him for the rest of the game in an attempt to learn something ? I am sorry, but I just find that hard to believe. You learn by actually exploring the map, getting a feeling for the weapons/legends etc. Getting killed within 5 seconds by a faaaaar more experienced player will teach youa bsoultetly nothing, except for a cheaper phrase like "damn, I should have been paying more attention !" or "damn, I need to get better at aiming"...those are things that you could have concluded by getting killed by other noob players as well, so I just don't see the point of your argument.
To give my 2 cents on the topic itself: as someone who started playing Apex Legends today, and this is my first BR game, I had a terrible time, in the few games that I played I was put up against (and killed) by people with 200+ kills on that Legend...I just don't see how I can have the slightest chance when I am matched against players like that, and I had 0 enjoyment whilst playing.
When I started playing, and got through the tutorial, I was hoping that I will be given the chance to just join an empty map and explore it, to get to know some decent loot locations, where it might be a good idea to jump, try out some character abilites etc.; however I had no such option and was forced to join a game and get crushed, as I had no idea where to expect to find some good weapons and gear.
Look, I don't expect to have an easy time when starting out a new game, but as someone with 15+ years of experience gaming, I have to say that with Apex Legends I had one of the worst experiences getting into a new game, the "matchmaking" as it stand, is extremely unfriendly towards noobs, and I feel it will serve as a large deterrent to new players.
Cheers !
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