Forum Discussion
This is a game not a sport. All BR games are competitive and do not have divisions.
PUBG has a rating system that is not skill based MM either. Just approximation to the rating of the current squad leader. In other words, a noob can be appointed leader of a squad and you will be fighting against noobs even if you are Shroud.
Moving on now. If you die in 2 seconds then you are obviously doing something wrong. Check were you land, learn to hear what is going on around you and learn the areas that offer better quality loot as well as flank areas. On top of that maybe learn how shoot in the practice range ,since we have one and you can practice at different ranges will all weapons, with both static and moving targets. People that have been playing FPS games and BR games longer than you will beat you up always, until you get on their level.
People that have better degrees than you get a better paying job than you and drive a more expensive car than you. This is how everything in life works. Get better and you can beat them.
Also let's assume that they indeed implement that. The top palyers will have to wait for a very long time to get into a match. The low skill players will also have to wait a long time and the only players that will be able to find matches fast are the mediocre players. Why? Because bell curve and math.
On top of that what about trolls and throwers? Let's assume we found a solution for all of the above problems. This is a team game if we put together players we expect them to work together. Now if your team is bad it was 0 effect on you. You just queue up for next game and hope to do better. If you get trolls thought and we implement your moronic suggestions and you lose you will lose rating. Eventually you might drop division or even get trapped at the lowest ranks where people will 100% troll.
Now do you get why this is not going to be implemented in a BR game?
"Queues will be too long" -> BS. 25 million players there will ALWAYS be people to play against regardless of your rank. That's like saying bronze players and challenger players in LoL have ridiculously long queues and fight always against the same people. False.
"smurfing issue" is a non argument as well. Look at F2P games such as LoL. Smurfing is a thing yes but it's FAR from being a significant issue. After a couple of rounds, his "rank" will push him to play against people of his similar skill lvl so even if he's lvl 5, if he plays like shroud, he will be put against players as good as him.
One minute you say it's a game, not a sport and then later compare the game to IRL, jobs and salary. Your arguments make no sense and sometimes even go against one another. People that play games casually will not want to play against sweaty nolifers or 12h/day streamers. It's not a sport, competition nor a job for them, they simply want a fair and balanced game.
4)Trolls and throwers will happen regardless of if there's a ranking/matchmaking system or not. If you get a troll you can simply leave the game and start a new one.
Being stuck in "ELO" hell isn't a thing, it's an excuse. You also can always play with (good) friends and win rounds after rounds if you are "stuck" in a skill tier so low that it's only trolls and throwers. News flash, it won't be a thing.
P.S.: If you want to be taken seriously and not as a joke/troll, stop being so immature that you call people that disagree with you "OW kids". It makes you lose all the credibility you had to begin with even though it was already quite low.
- 7 years ago
1) 25M players yet there is one dizzy and one shroud. Did not see anyone else around that level. Pretty certain you need more than 2 players for the match to happen.
2) Smurf issue is a huge issue. Currently has destroyed OW and a ton of other games that have not implemented double verification system. The only game that has no problem with it is CSGO exactly because it uses double verification method that ties the account to a cellphone number.
3) It is a game. It is a job. Very clear arguments. No matter how much you cry better people than you will be better until you manage to become better than them.
4) Trolls and throwers happen but right not DO NOT AFFECT YOUR RATING. It is a very clear concept to grab.
5) ELO hell is a thing that is why people in OW have 3-4 accounts each so that they can boost one account to top. If you want you can have a go at those forums and have a read. Why? Because it is a team game hence your team might bring you down. Also you are saying ELO hell does not exist with a straight face? Pretty certain Tyler1 was stuck for 2 seasons in ELO hell in LOL and timthetatman was stuck in below 4k ratinf in OW season 2 (later he went full premade team and they boosted him). DOTA does not have ELO hell because they have the best current working algorythm that takes into account individual skill more than other algorythms currently used in the industry. But in DOTA2 you can solo carry and win. In here it is very tough to do that unless you are extremely skilled.
- 7 years ago
The logical leaps you have to make to justify you wanting your easy games against noobs are hilarious.
- 7 years ago
Actually there are a lot of players at level of dizzy and shroud. But it`s not everyone that can play 16 hours a day and play always with a squad.
1-) If this game had proper matchmaking system you would realize that they both are good but nowhere near as people think they are. It just happens that having a bunch of newbies or misfits of pubs to kill make easy for you to look good.2-) Like i already said, a proper match making system would boot players out of the kidgarden in a short time and then he would have to face people that actually have a chance against him. One thing is a lvl 40-50 facing shroud another is a lvl 5.
3-) that one doesn`t even make sense. Better people will be better, but there`s a difference between matching a kid with a kid and a kid against a MMA champion.
4-) because there`s no rating. Now about stats yes. without both i would have way better stats.
5-) Elo hell is a excuse that people say to themselves when they found their skill level. Why? Because they are so used to stomp people that are worse than them, that at the first moment they get people that actually have a chance against them they give up and start to make up excuse.
Like seriously. Just stop... you want to stomp noobs, ok. But you will have to make a new account every hour.
When 7 out 10 of your game start with this, you start to get REALLY tired.- 7 years ago
Again you seem unbale to understand the basic concept of throwers. Let's say you have a Skill based MM sytem in place. Even if it throws smurfs and trolls out of the division in which you play instantly (meaning after just 1 match played) the throwers and the smurfs will still ruin your rating and you will be thrown as well to a lower division.
How is this hard to understand? If i want to destroy people all i have to do is just queue up and steal their loot, or never revive them or just leave, or rush and die or pick a character that brings nothing to the team composition. So many ways one can troll. Now if you happen to get in a match with 2 trolls in your squad you will lose the match and lose rating. Even if those people are instantly moved after your match to a different rank/divsion your stats will suffer and you will also be instantly moved.
Is this so hard to grasp?
On top of that the skill based mm bs you keep spouting here works great only for premade squads. What about solo people? What about duos? Those people are literally left at the hands of the algorythm. I know you could not give 2 flying * about solo people, but do you honestly believe the 25m players that play the game are all with premade squads? Nope. They are not.
Even if they do later introduce solos and duos what about the MM algorythm? Should they create 3 different MM algorygthms? One that takes into account solo stats and contribution, one that takes into account overall team contribution? How the * is that even going to work? You all claim you are over 30 but your arguments are lacking the depth of thought one would expect from a person over 20.
Does any of you in here have any idea how hard it is to program and develop a skill ranking algorythm? Sure there are pre-built models out there that one could borrow to get the basics and build on top of that like ELO ranking or Microsoft's TrueSkill, Glicko etc. but all of them have serious issues with credibility and NONE of them are designed for this type of games or even mutliplayer games (at least not ELO and Glicko). None of them take into consideration a ton of serious issues and of course none take into consideration trolls/throwers/cheaters, the existence of different characters, balance issues, network issues, hardware issues, software issues etc.
But sure let's bring this into this game sure it will fare great. Because you are all certain it will work 100% in your favour and you will magically start winning. You choose to not see the ton of other issues that will cause, like account boosting, selling boosts, account bombing (dropping ranks in purpose), exploitation of system vulnerabilities (queueing up only late at night to avoid noobs), server hoping (queueing on servers with high ping to get advantage of hing ping and hit registration issues caused by high ping).
But sure you are all over 30 and working full time with families but cannot think 2 steps ahead...
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