7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
Yes it will. It will Hurt respawn and the market they are trying to draw in.
The game will also become broken. The kits for each legend is designed to be balanced by being placed into squads. They have already said this.
Secondly this isnt the only game the forces team play. Overwatch forces you into a team of 6. Left 4 dead forced you into a team of 4. Counter Strike you have to play on a team and so does Team Fortress. These games demand team play.
If you dont like playing any of these games then you probably wont like this game.
It is so stupid to compare a Battle Royale with games like Overwatch, Counter Strike, Left 4 dead and Team Fortress.
If you're going to have an argument in a discussion , you gotta think at least a little, otherwise you're gonna look like an idiot.
If they add solos , OF COURSE THEY GONNA HAVE TO CHANGE SOME MECHANICS, that's so obvious. And what market are they trying to draw in exactly by just putting one game mode?
They are doing exactly the opposite, I guarantee you that at least 30 % of the game initial base will leave in the first month because of unhappiness with the lack of options to play.