7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
I have read a lot of comments on here and reddit of people bashing the idea of solo and duo games however can not understand why there is such a 50/50 divide over something that should be praised and pushed rather than punished.
Apex legends is a great game, lets just get that out there before we continue.
The issue is however this is a FPS and no matter how you try to spin it people are playing to win. Any one who is going to say there playing just for fun and winning doesnt matter I think there either delusional and have been playing largely with friends. Winning is part of the fun if not a large part. However no matter how you try and make it work 3 random people working as a group will never be optimal and there will always be issues. This means 3 randoms will always be at a huge disadvantage to a group of friends.
Now when you take into consideration this simple fact then you have to wonder another question. If people stop enjoying the game due to loosing because of forced squads how long is it before these same people look elsewhere to play another game. Yes im sure there is a load of people ready to say "just play another game" but that comment is the same as saying Apex Legends tell a large majority of your player base to get lost. No company in there right mind wants to lower the people playing. Allowing solo and duo isnt going to hurt any one if any thing it will push the game forward bringing more streamers and competitive players along.
We need to understand more options is never a bad thing. Even if you never want to play solo or duo you shouldnt say others should not also. You are pretty much damaging the games future by trying to restrict a standard BR basic option. Get me an option to only group with people with mics who speak my laungage then maybe we can talk about squads only. But as that is pretty much a 0% then lets talk about letting me play on my own against other solo players.
@sireladio Exactly, there's a huge portion of the Battle Royale fan base (The same fan base that Respawns trying to attract) that love BRs because they have solos and duos where they can always compete to win no matter what. A huge amount of players are casual and for them jumping in a game and having a good time with others is fantastic but for better players who want to win it can be a bummer getting none stop games with new players that have no idea what's going on or have no mic.