7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
Dear Respawn & EA,
Please do not add Solos or Duos to this game. Please think of the vast majority of players that are not complaining about being forced into 3-man squads. I'm level 22 right now with a good amount of wins underneath my belt and I play solo queue with randoms all day. Yes it sucks sometimes but then others you meet cool people that work together. The types of characters in this game just screams "squads", it does not scream "solo". Please before you react to the whole 80 people complaining about this, think of your other 999,920 that are too busy enjoying this perfection to even come onto the forums.
Incorrect. I can think of 1 way solos will harm the game.
Apart from the game being based as a squad game given the whole ability feature, which are meant to be used compliment one another...
It's a fact that squads of 3 offers you the ability to squad up with your friends.
Usually teams that play together regularly are the better teams.
Adding solo will not detract from these good squads that exist, as friends want to play together, but it will detract from the lone player going into a squad game.
This will have the effect of making squads filled with more and more sweaty teams. The more good teams in squads, the less the lone player will want to play that mode. The same thing happens on fortnite and other BR games.
By having just squads, there is a wide mix of squads, which makes the game more enjoyable for all. You aren't just running into good teams, there's people in squads who have never played with eachother.
Just my opinion.
11 posts here wow, hot topic.
Anyways, I understand that everyone has their own playing style. If you play better solo, more power to you.
My own opinion on the matter, I think that they should not implement solo mode (but maybe they should implement duo mode). As another user has suggested, the game is more focused on team based combat where each player is given a unique ability to support the team. I am not sure that these same abilities would work in solo mode. Who knows, maybe they can play test solo mode with the community?
As a second point, I would like to see these guys be innovative in the genre. These are the same people that created COD: MW and COD: MW 2 and those two games practically changed the FPS genre for better or worse. If they implement duo and solo mode, then there will be little difference between Apex, Fortnite, and PUBG. Which, all are great games. But I would not like to see Apex become another PUBG or Fortnite. I would like to see the game be the COD: MW for Battle Royale games. I would like to see them focus more on implementing features that are not seen in other Battle Royale games then focus attention on parts that already exist in other games.
@sireladio wrote:
Can you explain this vast majority? Most players actually agree a solo and duo mode would improve the game and bring more people into the mix.
Now to the 80 People. You obviously cant be one of the 999,920 people enjoying as your here complaining about adding an option that would not effect you in any negative way, according to your logic of this being perfection to the point you wont even come onto the forums. You seem to be contradicting your own comment honestly.
If you can explain how solo or duo would hurt the game then we can talk. However so far no one wanting solo or squads is asking for skills to be changes. For abilities to be buffed or nerfed. No one is asking for changes that would effect your ability to play in a 3 man squad. We are actually asking for more options that would bring more players. This means the people put off by this game being forced squad would play solo. This would mean more revenue and more a players.
Your pretty much saying "respawn there is 1,000,000 players wanting to play but who only want solo or duo. Dont let them because these new players will hurt the game by adding money and more active players and more publicity. Moronic
This is a topic where you have to be very careful of what you wish for. You add one mode - you slice the playerbase in two. Add another and the queues are 1/3 of what they used to be. Then say you want to add another selection like between two maps and numbers are multiplied so your queues are now divided by 6. In PUBG you have players divided between TPP and FPP, then into solo/duo/squads and then people also have an option to select one of the 4 maps which combined can potentially reduce the queues by a whooping factor of 24.
Reducing queue sizes does not only increase the wait times but also, perhaps more importantly, destroy the matchmaking. BR games are very sensitive to this because of how many players are required for a match. Despite PUBG's record breaking player counts, matchmaking in there is practically non-existent. Best players get matched against the worst all the time. It does not have to be like this.
When you have a single huge queue of players ready to go, there's a lot of good things you can do. Not only can you better match players by performance stats, you may match by ping, match random squads against random, pre-formed against pre-formed, mic-equipped players with mic-equipped, match players by the languages they speak etc. Say you add a solo mode - you smash the efficiency of that by half. You may say that it would increase the player base but it would never increase it enough to fully compensate for the split. So the argument that new modes would not hurt the squad one does not hold water.
Ultimately this is a choice between getting the best game possible or attracting more players. A choice between a bigger but divided audience or a more engaged one. A notion that more players would always bring more revenue is flawed. Since Respawn seem set to monetize though purely optional and mostly cosmetic things, engagement is king. They don't just want people to play the game, they want them to love it. Because that's when people are suddenly happy to pay 10 dollars for a piece of texture.