7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
Ugh it's only squads? I was going to check it out but I've had enough of the squeaky voiced little kids dropping racial slurs. I hate having to team up with other people.
Please do not listen to these players, they are not your majority. Do not ruin your game by listening to the normies.
and the game would be ruined because? ...just because some people want to play a different game mode than you that doesn't make them normies . plus it wouldn't ruin the game there are 10 mil people that play this game and even if it had less people I do not see how it would be ruined. We would still be playing Apex we wouldn't play another game just because we like solo play and not depending on others. (For me 1/3 games is good but the other 2 are quite bad). I have been called many things on voice chat as well I will not go into detail.