7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
As of right now, there is undoubtedly a decent amount of people that like the game but are discouraged by not having the option to play solo's. Adding solo's would just make the game more appealing to a wider audience while changing nothing for the people that like the current team aspect of the game.
I see a lot of people complaining about getting teamed up with selfish randoms who don't communicate and just do their own thing. These are people that would solo queue if the option was available, leaving you with a better gaming experience since you would generally be grouped up with people who want to be in teams.
If they add solo's and you don't like it then just continue to play the game the same way you are right now. It literally doesn't affect you.
I agree, trios was good to start off with but they should expand to a broader audience. I get that the game is built around team play, but each hero does well on their own.
Yea i dont get it either, no one will be forced to play duo/solo when and if they add it.
Just continue to play as trio with randoms if thats what you like.
I personally only wait for duo, but solo would be quite nice too, i dont get why some people dont want it in the game
I don’t enjoy finding people, having to organize things, waiting on people, I wish to do as I please and when I please, and finally, want to succeed or fail due to my own skill/decisions/luck.
Worried about Legend balance in solos? Necessary skills can be split into a solo version and “team” version. At the main menu, it would display both versions with [solo] or [team] next to it. When in a game selecting your character, it would only show the version of the skill that matches your game mode. If you’re in solo, you have and see the [solo] version of the skill.
Worried that everyone in solo will be a Lifeline for her healing or something? Maybe consider leaving the current team system of dividing people into groups and no one in the group of, say the usual 3, can pick the same character, except everyone is still solo. That’ll promote diversity and it can be a simple RNG system as to the order players choose their Legend and maybe make it where if you’ve chosen 2nd or 3rd for 3 games in a row, so you’re guaranteed to choose your Legend first this game.
I agree 100%, I don't see why solos or duos would be a issue at all. I for the most part have 1 specific friend I play with and for us to have to play with a random that might not listen or their skill level just isn't enough to help much gets quite annoying after a while.
I rekon in order to keep it fair and balanced they would have to do away with the classes for solo which goes against the whole point of the game. I honestly don't see a need for solo at all, if your good solo you should be an absolute BEAST in trios. If not then that is your problem not the game.
@Coxy01 wrote:If your good solo you should be an absolute BEAST in trios. If not then that is your problem not the game.
That logic is not sound at all. A good player cannot always carry 2 bad and/or uncooperative teammates, even one sometimes.
Even if you’re exceptional enough to carry, what stops another squad from not only having a very good player (or 2 or 3) too, but also teammates that are better than your teammates, and possibly they have better communication and coordination? None of that isn’t your fault but you’ll suffer regardless.
You wouldn't be a "beast" in trios, because you could get matched up with teammates that don't listen to you and don't help you during fights. In solo if you're good it means you can beat people in 1v1s but in trios you might have to beat people in 1v3.
"This is a topic where you have to be very careful of what you wish for. You add one mode - you slice the playerbase in two. Add another and the queues are 1/3 of what they used to be. Then say you want to add another selection like between two maps and numbers are multiplied so your queues are now divided by 6. In PUBG you have players divided between TPP and FPP, then into solo/duo/squads and then people also have an option to select one of the 4 maps which combined can potentially reduce the queues by a whooping factor of 24.
Reducing queue sizes does not only increase the wait times but also, perhaps more importantly, destroy the matchmaking. BR games are very sensitive to this because of how many players are required for a match. Despite PUBG's record breaking player counts, matchmaking in there is practically non-existent. Best players get matched against the worst all the time. It does not have to be like this.
When you have a single huge queue of players ready to go, there's a lot of good things you can do. Not only can you better match players by performance stats, you may match by ping, match random squads against random, pre-formed against pre-formed, mic-equipped players with mic-equipped, match players by the languages they speak etc. Say you add a solo mode - you smash the efficiency of that by half. You may say that it would increase the player base but it would never increase it enough to fully compensate for the split. So the argument that new modes would not hurt the squad one does not hold water.
Ultimately this is a choice between getting the best game possible or attracting more players. A choice between a bigger but divided audience or a more engaged one. A notion that more players would always bring more revenue is flawed. Since Respawn seem set to monetize though purely optional and mostly cosmetic things, engagement is king. They don't just want people to play the game, they want them to love it. Because that's when people are suddenly happy to pay 10 dollars for a piece of texture."
bring on Solo PLEASE, im so sick and tired of playing with teams who cant even be bothered to plug in a mic, this game is supposed to be very team work focused but how does that work when nobody talks and coordinates with each other. Solo needs to happen really soon.
That's why they have a Ping system.
Solo, Duo are coming. Data mining was done on the game code and it's in the files.
Why wouldn't it happen? You've big youtubers who're affiliated with EA saying it's going to happen and with thousands of likes on their video's. Solo is definitely coming, it's important that Repawn listen to the community.
Apex Legends has huge potential, makes sense to take feedback on board and not alienate a large percentage of the community.
@TimG_OP wrote:As of right now, there is undoubtedly a decent amount of people that like the game but are discouraged by not having the option to play solo's. Adding solo's would just make the game more appealing to a wider audience while changing nothing for the people that like the current team aspect of the game.
I see a lot of people complaining about getting teamed up with selfish randoms who don't communicate and just do their own thing. These are people that would solo queue if the option was available, leaving you with a better gaming experience since you would generally be grouped up with people who want to be in teams.
If they add solo's and you don't like it then just continue to play the game the same way you are right now. It literally doesn't affect you.
No it doesn't need solo/duo. You know why? Because I guarantee you're gonna hate it. And then you will leave it. You are trying to change the dynamic of the game that separates itself from the monotony of traditional BR. This game was built around THE SQUAD, and the MECHANICS of a squad. It what sets this game apart from all the other trash BR games. Squads in Fortnite or CoD did absolutely nothing. Squads in this game changes the whole dynamic of combat, which is why their decision truly raised the bar above traditional BR.
If you wanna play solo, then get back to Fortnite and CoD. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a game designer publishing something that seperates itself from the rest of the genre. They aren't forcing you to play this game.
And whether you support this game or not, Respawn, and Apex Legends will continue to rise in popularity because it already appeals to a bigger audience. The audience that despised the traditional BR model.
My entire friends list is full of people that hated BR...until this game dropped. Now my entire friends list is literally playing one game. Apex is EXACTLY what BR needed.