7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
Yea i dont get it either, no one will be forced to play duo/solo when and if they add it.
Just continue to play as trio with randoms if thats what you like.
I personally only wait for duo, but solo would be quite nice too, i dont get why some people dont want it in the game
I don’t enjoy finding people, having to organize things, waiting on people, I wish to do as I please and when I please, and finally, want to succeed or fail due to my own skill/decisions/luck.
Worried about Legend balance in solos? Necessary skills can be split into a solo version and “team” version. At the main menu, it would display both versions with [solo] or [team] next to it. When in a game selecting your character, it would only show the version of the skill that matches your game mode. If you’re in solo, you have and see the [solo] version of the skill.
Worried that everyone in solo will be a Lifeline for her healing or something? Maybe consider leaving the current team system of dividing people into groups and no one in the group of, say the usual 3, can pick the same character, except everyone is still solo. That’ll promote diversity and it can be a simple RNG system as to the order players choose their Legend and maybe make it where if you’ve chosen 2nd or 3rd for 3 games in a row, so you’re guaranteed to choose your Legend first this game.