7 years ago
Solos and Duos are needed
This game lacks of solo and duos. Making people to play in party with randoms is a good idea, but forcing them to do so is not. Sometimes its possible to find a great teammates and win a game with th...
As of right now, there is undoubtedly a decent amount of people that like the game but are discouraged by not having the option to play solo's. Adding solo's would just make the game more appealing to a wider audience while changing nothing for the people that like the current team aspect of the game.
I see a lot of people complaining about getting teamed up with selfish randoms who don't communicate and just do their own thing. These are people that would solo queue if the option was available, leaving you with a better gaming experience since you would generally be grouped up with people who want to be in teams.
If they add solo's and you don't like it then just continue to play the game the same way you are right now. It literally doesn't affect you.
I rekon in order to keep it fair and balanced they would have to do away with the classes for solo which goes against the whole point of the game. I honestly don't see a need for solo at all, if your good solo you should be an absolute BEAST in trios. If not then that is your problem not the game.
@Coxy01 wrote:If your good solo you should be an absolute BEAST in trios. If not then that is your problem not the game.
That logic is not sound at all. A good player cannot always carry 2 bad and/or uncooperative teammates, even one sometimes.
Even if you’re exceptional enough to carry, what stops another squad from not only having a very good player (or 2 or 3) too, but also teammates that are better than your teammates, and possibly they have better communication and coordination? None of that isn’t your fault but you’ll suffer regardless.
I will be fine with adding SOLO/DUO mode but if players will be complaining and asking devs. to nerf LEGENDS just because they are too strong in SOLO then you shouldn't ask for SOLO mode at all especially when this game was designed for TRIO experience and cooperation.
You wouldn't be a "beast" in trios, because you could get matched up with teammates that don't listen to you and don't help you during fights. In solo if you're good it means you can beat people in 1v1s but in trios you might have to beat people in 1v3.