Altho the game was made for tram play I feel like there is a need for solo play.
Major reasons for this in my opinion is the fact that if you get queued with people that are bad at the game you end up being a solo in the final circle and it is impossible to win especially with the bullet sponginess that is going on right now (they simply take to many bullets to kill). Plus sometimes I just want to hang back relax and try to improve my skills alone you could argue that you can do that in a trio game but I when you are going 3 v 1 because you and 2 other random players aren't coordinated enough it gets frustrating pretty fast especially because unlike a game where you can respawn immediately it takes time to loot up and drop from a shim.
In my opinion even altho the game might of not been designed for solo play some players want it and it would be nice. An option would be making enemies less bullet spongy so that a skilled solo player could take a whole team down or make a ranked system possible only in trio mode and make solo an alternative mode. Again I find this game amazing and feel like it is the best battle royale but it hasn't achieved its whole potential without solo play and this mount of bullet spongy ness.
Again if you could address this issues as soon as possible you would do a great service to not only me but the community. Thank you and keep up the good work, you are rocking it