Forum Discussion
It is true that complaining may seem unproductive, but when you consider those who do complain and criticise don't necessarily know how to go about it in a way that'll truly endorse change, what else can be expected when a community such as this experiences what they believe to be a problem?
The abundant use of aggressive tones, as you rightly say, isn't the correct approach to take in most cases.
From what I've seen on Reddit over the last few days alone, humanitarianism is certainly something sorely missing.
I for one have been called all manner of foul things by users just for saying I dislike what's happening.
But when sites and forums like this and reddit are seemingly the only vessels in which players can attempt to get their voices heard, is this situation not even further flawed when the consumer cannot access a proper procedure in which to combat something they feel is unethical?
Like with oh so many saying, "well we need to get the government to sort this out and punish EA because they're villains", it greater emphasises the trouble in the gaming industry where the consumer is only able to put their hope in greater powers to bring about change with the ultimate realisation being that the consumer's say on the matter is drowned out by how the products they criticise are marketed.
"Loot boxes are just surprise mechanics and they're totally ethical, people shouldn't have the right to complain".
Sure, EA would no doubt squeeze through every hole they can find to make money, but would said increase of monetisation schemes be all that bad?
Sounds hypocritical I know, but hear me out... If legislations were in place, would that not give the consumer greater semblance of control over how their money is invested. They may have to jump through extra hoops, but at least then a player who feels cheated or coerced into something they're not happy with can better find a platform in which to support their case.
Yes, some players of these games have issues with mental health that manifest in gambling addictions, but right now if you buy a game from some place like the Xbox Live Marketplace it specifically states that any and all transactions are non-refundable.
Nowhere at this point in time can someone with a gambling addiction, who let's say has purchased 100 lots of premium currency for a given game, claim their money back due to the fact they did it by choice.
Through pushing for better industry standards people like this would feel less pressure if they knew things that are done impulsively thanks to their disorders, can in some form or another combat the system which denies them the right to challenge their situation.
I remember attempting to file an official complaint about Anthem once. I literally couldn't play it due to all the in-game issues that wouldn't allow a single successful session.
When speaking with a representative of Anthems support team, I was told that they can't let the players file official complaints as they have to file them under bug reports instead.
This was because the company wasn't allowed to admit the flaws in their product.
I mentioned in a recent comment I made on another player's post on the matter that EA aren't looking to keep customers happy, just invested.
Anthem's production team weren't pulled from the project because they did bad work, they were simply moved to the next project to help ensure it's a financial success.
So although people do seem daft for complaining about frills cosmetic items for a free to play game, you can't deny that there's a greater issue to be explored here.
+XP all around.
- 6 years ago@iBlockHead Being quite an apathetic person I don't often indulge in favouritism. Yet I feel I might do so here. So thank you for your encouragement.
Though it is literally just me talking on a forum. I'm not looking to incite revolution amongst the community. Nor am I looking to be proven right or prove others wrong in any way. I'm just here to say "Hey, I think this. What do you think?"
Though my only concern after reading your comment is... You've read everything?
Oh dear. My friend you could be doing something so much more productive with your time.
That said, I am appreciative that someone has taken an interest in the points I've raised.
Again, thank you. - 6 years ago@dtOddity92 I work IT support, LOOOADS of down time and these forums keep me entertained. I really enjoy Apex and what it has brought and therefor I am here to support any great ideas or points people bring here.
We all know this "event" is great and all with the addition of solos but that isn't to say everything that was brought was great. The shop/loot system they have going on during these next two weeks is pretty low on EA's part and we all need to bring that to light.
Sure other say "free game, something has to come with a price" but pricing such items insanely high, even if they're only cosmetics, is not fair to the community.
If we allow this, they will only continue this bad practice down the road which might end up killing Apex and I don't want to see such an amazing game with so much potential die off. - 6 years ago
@dtOddity92 I am amazed that you actually made an account that is active for several hours on forum and spamming this topic
Date Registered : Friday Date Last Visited : 14m ago Total Messages Posted : 41 Total XP Received : 87 Are you for real ???
In my country we call this BOTing
- 6 years ago
@dtOddity92 with regards to "speculation over whether or not EA are being greedy"
This is a commonly shared opinion as EA have a track record for this kind of behaviour and they have come under fire for it in the past. Admittedly this heirloom is cheaper than opting for wraiths equivalent, but lets be honest that doesn't by any means make it acceptable.
The only saving grace with regards to this event is the fact that they didn't make the packs dirt cheap and rig the RNG horrendously...otherwise players could potentially be forking out considerably more.
- 6 years ago@Sarrgeras The reason as to why I am using a newly created account is simply down to the fact I have been experiencing issues with my main account. Every time I log in with it, I get told I can't access it. This new account was only made as a means to contact EA for support on the matter.
Of which hasn't yet been cleared up.
As for spamming this topic, I don't see how merely having a discussion with other members and replying to each person's responses constitutes spam?
Yes you could argue that it is because I posted my main speculation over the new event in both the Feedback and General Discussion threads, but I did so only out of interest to see what people's thoughts were on the matter.
I don't post on forums like this all that much so I wasn't sure where the correct place to post it was.
I hope this reassures you that I am not simply farming for upvotes.
Though you're perfectly entitled to have your own feelings on the matter. - 6 years ago@MandatoryIDtag I totally agree with you.
Whenever I discuss my opinion on matters like this I strictly stay in the role of true neutral. I value the opinion of people on both sides of this controversy. Sure I sound like I'm vilifying EA in my original post but the reality of it is, I am only questioning if that is indeed the case.
You are right though, for many players EA's conduct of business isn't exactly what you would call consumer friendly, that's why I feel we should discuss it more.
Like with this thread, though I never expected my simple post would end up featured at the top of the feedback subform with that flame icon thing on it.
On a side note though: I'd argue otherwise regarding the regular apex packs and whether their drops are rigged or not. I could create a whole other post to argue otherwise based on the fact that I have put money into buying packs before only to find they limit rewards to crafting materials after opening so many.
All I wanted was a legendary mirage skin. So every time I got crafting material from a pack I would immediately buy a common or rare skin for him thinking it would increase my chances for the legendary I craved. Turns out though, the loot pool doesn't become less diluted from this. After a while I noticed every pack I opened would only ever drop a character quip and two sets of crafting material. EVERY TIME. You'd think after unlocking almost all of the common and rare cosmetics you'd receive epics... but sadly that isn't the case.
I guess this disguised nature around the loot in this game is was prompted me to make this main post. - 6 years ago@iBlockHead Well I'm glad you're entertained.
EA is a multi billion dollar industry leader. They simply must do whoever they can to keep their shareholders happy. Even if it means using questionable methods. This is legal and that's very difficult to change.
But what can change is how they approach their consumers. This can only be done if those consumers express a clear and undeniable aversion to the methods they currently employ. The problem is that a whole lot of people just simply do not know about them.
It's like with mental health issues, bullying or even promoting body positivity. The more people talk about such things the more awareness there is. Then with greater awareness there's a great chance we will see change for the better as time goes by.
If the prices are as you say, truly insane then of course they should (from an socio-ethical standpoint) be adjusted to be considered fairer.
However if these prices aren't all that insane, then they should at least be justified to a better extent. - 6 years ago
@dtOddity92 i think someone hired you to calm things down on this forum but guess what, it is not going to happen. Regarding all your justifies of the EA are you familiar with a sentence ,,DO YOU GUYS NOT HAVE PHONES,,
- 6 years ago@Sarrgeras I think your assumption is rather humorous, thank you for that. But at risk of disappointing you, no. No, I do not, have not or will ever work for EA. Though I did apply once a few years ago, ya know... when they weren't the most money hungry corrupt entity of the gaming industry like they are today.
So let me clarify. I am not justifying or condoning EA and all the unethical trash they're peddling their consumers, but I will try to remain as unbiased as I can when discussing what they do because I, like oh so many others, are only in a position to speculate on the matters the concern us.
I'm not looking to calm things down. If you or anyone else wants to scream and curse and be outraged then by all means do that as much as you want.
When the words "Do you guys not have phones?" were uttered, people booed it immediately. Yes that provides the devs an instant understanding the people aren't happy with their product, but it's also just noise. How are the developer meant to improve their product when they can't hear what people actually want through all of that noise?
So what I do encourage is voicing concerns in a respectful manner.
If people want things to change then their screaming and booing won't help.
If people are angry they have every right to be, but nothing will come of it if they don't channel it in the right way.
I could've wrote a post where I just typed out "screw EA" over and over again, but what would that accomplish? The post would either get deleted or forgotten after zero comments or upvotes or I'd get banned.
By doing what we're doing in this thread and an many others like it, we are able to at least have a chance for what we say to get noticed by the makers of the games we love. They're much more likely to hear player criticisms out if those players aren't telling them to die every five minutes.
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