Forum Discussion
It would be nice to at least still be able to salvage items we don't want for crafting materials.
I just bought a few packs because I really loved all the games Respawn has made until now (140 hours on TF1, 107 hours on TF2, 200 hours on Apex) & I wanted a few skins but I got NONE of those I wanted...
And for the price they ask, it's kinda of a bummer to not at least have some legitimate counterweight, because having more chance to loot your skins if you buy more pack is not legitimate counterweight in my opinion, because the skins I want might be the last one I loot, and no way I'm spending 200€ for one skin.
People should still be able to craft at least one of the skin they want in the event by salvaging everything they looted in 5-6 event packs.
I'm not a commie so it doesn't bother me that they try to make money, but make the monetisation at least fair!
When I first put money into this game the only legendary items I received were a Mozambique skin, the Pathfinder frame with the trash tin cans and legendary crafting materials (which only amount to half the cost of a legendary cosmetic build requirement.)
I hear what you say regarding how players should have greater choice surrounding the rewards they can earn. Although I doubt having a system in place where players can deconstruct their cosmetics would be a good thing.
Given the sheer quantity of common and rare drops in apex packs, it wouldn't be difficult for every single player to take everything they get and instantly try to convert it into legendary skins.
It would go against the whole point of why EA and Spawn use the loot box... sorry, I mean surprise mechanics.
I think they'd sooner introduce a cosmetic trading system where players could exchange legendary skins between characters before they let players actually decide what content they receive from packs.
But overall? Yes, it would be very nice if the developers would give us more choice in how we use our rewards
- 6 years ago
all these comments defending this severely overpriced events is mind boggling frankly.
The fact you have to pay ISN'T the issue. It's purely the amount you have to pay. For the total cost of this event you could pre order a limited edition new release with a bundle of physical content that you actually own. The COD series of bundles would be a great example.
However you're paying for virtual content that has no actual value within itself. Even if these loot ticks for this event had been like 300-400 each there would have been at least some value for money. Yes people probably would have complained still but you'd be seeing considerably less negative feedback.
My main concern is that this will become the baseline value of any future events with purchasable content. How long are people going to be willing to keep pouring this amount of cash into the game i wonder?
- 6 years ago@MandatoryIDtag I wouldn't necessarily say that peoples' comments regarding being okay with or supporting the prices seen during the event are mind boggling per say.
Everyone has the right to their own opinion and for many in this community, these additional forms of unessential extra content just aren't as significant for them as they clearly are for others.
Some people are perfectly happy to support the companies through trusting the questionably optimised prices said companies have set, and that's okay. Just as it's okay to feel the opposite.
The main take away however is that at the source of the issue, between the two sides of players (those who pay and those who can't or won't), there has been no transparency regarding the reasons as to why things have been priced in such a manner.
It is only speculation that EA are being greedy here.
It is only speculation that people are being conditioned to spend more.
It is only speculation that the new content is priced the way it is because it's considered to be "special" with it's time limited nature.
The truth is we just don't know precisely why things are being presented in the way they are.
And that's what players require overall. Knowledge of the reasoning for why things happen as they do.
If a good enough reason were to be stated by the developers as to why things are priced higher this time around, so much of this "outrage" in the community would subside.
We can debate for "fairer" prices all we want, however we also have to bare in mind that what is considered to be fair is also subjective.
Companies always aim to ensure they provide a reasonable product that'll keep people invested. Should the consumers, like yourself, then grow concerned over things like the base price rises in a negative way, then they should rightly adjust their product accordingly.
You, so many others and even myself are perfectly happy to pay for the content we want, but we must encourage people to voice their opinions in order to allow companies like Respawn, like EA to know how their product is being received and we must do so in a respectable manner.
My title for this forum post questioned, I"s it a predatory tactic"?
The answer could may well be a no, but unless the community voice a need for better understanding from the companies. We may never know.
Not everyone's needs and wants cannot always be appeased, but they can be addressed.
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