Forum Discussion
@dtOddity92Generally i feel like the battlepass is an enormously good deal, this is pay once 10 bucks and get all content of all upcoming passes for free but only if you have time and motivation to play this game excessively, so it's sort of a reward for dedicated players what is very nice and a one time investment of 10€ really isn't much compared to a full priced AAA title.
I like the game a lot because combining the popular genres hero- shooter and battle royale is a very clever concept, also i feel like Apex has a much more adult community like f.e. Overwatch and Fortnite what is a bless to me, nevertheless though i am new to the game i already found that i do not want to play it excessively because it has too many issues like bad performance, connectivity worse than in a peer to peer game and seemingly a very serious cheating problem, things that really turn me off when i play something a lot.
So what i am gonna do is just play when i feel like, see if i reach the level that gives me enough gold to buy the next battle pass and purchase then, i'll miss the xp bonuses that way but as they only trigger on top 5 placements that i don't reach so often the impact should be minor.
As for why the event is so expensive i guess it's simply based on flatening revenue as mentioned in the latest news, with this event they are observing how far they can go, you see that in a lot of games with similar models, they always focus on getting more from the happy spenders in such case, while imo it's economically way more clever to activate the mass amounts of potential buyers instead of scalping the few dedicated money supporters more and more, it just doesn't work, when they reach their limit they turn from mindless fans to haters that regret every dollar invested, you see that a lot.
As for loot packs, i never fall for that, didn't purchase a single one in any game yet, gladly casino tactics just don't work on me. What's sort of hard to believe is that f.e. Rocket League now eliminates random lootbox content and there are a lot of people criticizing that because ''I loved that suspense of opening a box without knowing what's inside''...
It’s true what you say, there are elements to Apex Legends which do provide good value for the money you spend. Which is likely the base for why people are upset now. If the prices are bumped up and not justified, then why should we be expected to be okay with spending more.
It’s clear to see that, like with handling cheaters and core game performance issues, there’s a really need to see refinements come to what content is put I to the game.
I personally commend you for having a “play when you feel like it” attitude. So many players now feel as they they have to grind for content, that they have to grind in order to earn that sense of achievement and it’s simply not true.
I only play every few days now after realising I enjoy the game a whole lot more when taking healthy breaks from the chaotic nature of it all.
So many times I’ve been in the position of rage quitting after I get eliminated in the first ten seconds five times in a row or get stuck with idlers and loot goblins.
Taking a break and finding your own way to enjoy the content is a good thing so I applaud you.
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