5 years ago
The Spitfire needs a nerf
It's pretty embarrassing the fact that every low skill player rocks it... It's so stupid the fact that has 55 rounds. Its too broken. You can one clip a full squad and have a few bullets left. I thin...
The spitfire is such a overturned gun right now, it slows, it shoots decent rate, and it hurts. Oh and to add it’s probably the easiest gun in the game to control the recoil pattern on at this point. Every other gun has a much more drastically changing recoil pattern than the spit, which just barely shakes left or right and has vertical recoil a parrot could control. I’m so sick of getting killed by 4 headshots. Apex shouldn’t feel like storming the beaches of Normandy and getting gunned down by lmg’s. I’ve observed that apex is making the guns that are easier to track with more and more viable, but doesn’t that ruin the whole experience of the “movement-shooter”?
Hipfire is trash since the last nerv and the rate of fire is just too slow in close combat to be competitive against R9, R3, Re, Shotguns, alternator, volt, havoc, flatline, etc. Aiming down sight also slows you a lot compared to the flatline for example. It fulfills its role as a great midrange gun but less than mediocre at close quarters. I think it's just in the right spot. I prefer the flatline because a fight gets close quarters very quickly and then you stand there pretty helpless with that spitfire shooting bullets in all the walls trying to hipfire people
Idk, I just watched a guy down an entire squad with a hip-fire spit-fire and still have 6 shots left... It was funny to watch them all run away trying to reload while he kept holding that LMB stronk