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12 Replies
- Wargasmatron4 days agoSeasoned Adventurer
HappyHourSumwur100% agree. Hype is the nature of the beast at EA.
- HappyHourSumwur5 days agoSeasoned Ace
Probably doesn't mean a new engine and complete reboot, just that they have "plans" and want to hype it up. I don't believe any of that BS from the CEO of EA though.
- reconzero6 days agoSeasoned Ace
Read the fine print. "2.0" doesn't mean what you think it means, and it's so far off in the future that the planet may turn to ash before the dev gets there. And based on the changes to next season, I have to ask myself very seriously, "Where exactly will 'there' be?"
- Wargasmatron6 days agoSeasoned Adventurer
HappyHourSumwurYes, same...moved on over from MOHAA into BF 1942 with the Desert Combat mod in a huge tourney called 21CW (21st century warfare) Absolutely the most fun, intense hard core stuff I was involved in for over a decade. When BF2 came out, changed everything with the commander mode and the ability to spawn out guys on your SL hidden away. IMO, it took the necessity of planning routes and having supporting cast IE: Air and Armor support, out of the game. Now you could halo a spec ops squad in, hide and spawn in guys which is completely dumbing down the game.
Which brings me to why I disagree with everyone in Apex being able to craft banners, and bring players back in. There is no thought process in actually surviving. Your squad makeup has a huge element that is no longer of any concern. To me, that is simply dumbing the game down. Just look at the shear amount of all SUPPORT class squads we see now. Anyone who has played since season 1 can tell you that. It never used to happen., or at best was a rarity. That is purely a result of changes the devs made, which IMO...has dumbed the game down.
I think games are best when they are in their rawest form. Trying to do too much is what usually wrecks a game. BF 3, 4 etc etc...cant stand it now. Way too much eye candy and not enough focus on game mechanics. Used to take skill to fly an F-16 with an X52 pro Joystick and throttle in say...Falcon 4, now everything is catered to the controller bots and arcade style mechanics.
I guess those who have not seen the gaming progression over the past 30 years, just wont get how bad dumbing the games down has become.
- HappyHourSumwur6 days agoSeasoned Ace
ComicBookGuy2727Totally agree with you. I've said it before and I'll say it again . . . I don't think the devs at Respawn actually play their own game. The reason so many people quit Apex is because you repeatedly get obliterated in milliseconds by people you have no business being in the same lobby with. So let's make killing people faster and easier! SMH
WargasmatronI have played Battlefield games since the original, only taking a break with Battlefield 5/ 1. Nostalgia is the only thing that keeps my interested at this point. I hope against hope that they somehow recapture the magic knowing it probably won't happen.
- Wargasmatron6 days agoSeasoned Adventurer
Wow, this seems to be another head shaker...and I mean side to side, not up and down as if to say YES ! that's what we all wanted ! I cannot fathom faster kills then what I already see. Being melted in a fraction of a second, will now be instant. Muzzle flash, DEAD. Hmmm. Sounds good. All Assault classes get buffed? I can understand maybe something a little to the class because I do believe they have been kicked to the curb somewhat, but I'm just imagining FUSE with endless grenades, yikes...more melting. Hmmm, I do see perhaps a change to the ALL SUPPORT class squads that we now see in game, largely due to support buffs and LOBA insanity. Maybe, just maybe people will run Assault in there somewhere now.
I just don't get the mentality of these Devs. I've been gaming for 30 years, and I've never seen such ...well, disdain or lack of actual consideration for what a game community is aspiring for them to change or implement to actually make the game more enjoyable. It seems like such a "closed door, horse with the blinders on" thought process. If you owned a restaurant, You wouldn't put rotten food on a table and expect people to come back and eat there.
Apparently we have not seen all of the changes thus far, so maybe, just maybe...we have a glimmer of hope that we will see a new and very robust new anti-cheat system that works, servers that work properly, matchmaking systems that work, a APP that works, lobbies where you have a choice of playing with controller players or not, like it used to be and a more balanced and thoughtful approach to the concerns of the masses that actually play the game.
Alas, as I read on...the preverbal "ya right" moment was listening to anything Andrew Wilson has to say. Its all money, money, money with him. It always has been. You kill a game enough with ridiculous revamping and ignoring what the large part of that so called 10's of millions player base says, then you are gonna sink that ship and lose money. I got news for him, Battlefield is not going to save anything. The library of "Battlefield's" I have sitting here gaining dust is just a sign of how bad the games have gotten, and waiting 2 years for an APEX 2.0 is laughable.
All of things I mentioned that need attention, especially all the server issues and hacking, cost a reinvestment of capitol. When you build a business, you reinvest in it to keep the gravy train making gravy. Trying to reinvent something your not willing to reinvest capitol in, especially where it is needed the most, is just beating a dead horse until its really dead, and praying that your next release is a hit!
Going from 160 bucks a share to 132 is not going to please a lot of investors. Its no wonder AW is only concerned about numbers and wont spend any on real good servers, its his head on the chopping block. Time for some fresh ideas at EA !
- c0ld16 days agoNew Scout
Doesn't look like EA is going to let Apex die anytime soon...
- c0ld16 days agoNew Scout
I thought this part was interesting. Could be terrible or good? Is that a nod towards tap strafes, steam configs and Xen hacks? Like maybe they shutdown all those silly hacks and we get this instead. That would be good if so, if not and it's this + still all of those things. It will be bad/worse.
Ash buffs
Passive – no more data knife, instead has omni-directional dash ability, called “predator’s pursuit’. Allows her to rapidly reposition in close combat, or close the distance quickly on a tethered target. Can upgrade it to two charges through her upgrade tree - AymCTL7 days agoSeasoned Ace
I agree with all 3 of you. I think what this is is a knee-**bleep** reaction to the complaints about no hit reg and cheaters instakilling everyone with rapid fire that empties a whole mag in 1 shot. So, since fixing hit reg that only registers 1/3 of your shots and fixing the cheater infestation will take lots of time and money, they have decided to simply buff all the guns and make fights end faster.
I for one would much rather see the game get fixed to what it was prior to season 20 when all of these issues started. When I played back then my favorite thing about apex was each gunfight was like a chess match to me. It was like a battle of wits and not just reflexes, trying to outsmart the opponent while you both shoot at each other. This is why even losing a gun fight back then was fun because the fights were such a thrill. Now, the strategy is gone, it's just down to whoever shoots first.
Will this give legit players an advantage where there is less of a power gap between them and the cheaters? I hope so, but I also hope this is just a temporary bandaid fix, and that they still have plans to get rid of the cheaters and fix the hit reg problems, which are the two main issues making people quit the game. The other issues like matchmaking would fix themselves if these issues could just be fixed.
- ComicBookGuy27277 days agoRising Ace
Wow, I am truly convinced these devs have no clue.
Just to say - "Then, the balancing team at Respawn has gone all out this season, buffing every weapon in the game with more damage, which is sure to make fights faster." - supports my comment. Do the these new devs even know what a battle royal is? Why would these devs think that we want the fights to be faster? If I wanted to play that type of game I would play COD or many other titles with insta ttk.
Battle Royal is supposed to be the opposite of that. This is ridiculous!
And of course more wall hacking meta. You guys have no business working on this game anymore.
Still don't understand fully the mythic helmet. But from what I read... sounds like only a couple ppl will be able to have it, and aquire red evo as a result? How balanced does that sound.
I just can't believe I'm reading this - seriously, they want to make fights faster. Its why after 5 years I barely play the game anymore. Apex as it stands, you get melted in miliseconds now compared to the early days when Apex was great. But heh, lets make ppl die even faster in a battle royal where you get one life.
This garbage decision making, would make sense for a team death match, but not battle royal. I am beside myself with the decisions this paticular dev team creates, and implements. Truly convince none of them, none of them... play this game.
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