Forum Discussion
ComicBookGuy2727Totally agree with you. I've said it before and I'll say it again . . . I don't think the devs at Respawn actually play their own game. The reason so many people quit Apex is because you repeatedly get obliterated in milliseconds by people you have no business being in the same lobby with. So let's make killing people faster and easier! SMH
WargasmatronI have played Battlefield games since the original, only taking a break with Battlefield 5/ 1. Nostalgia is the only thing that keeps my interested at this point. I hope against hope that they somehow recapture the magic knowing it probably won't happen.
- Wargasmatron6 days agoSeasoned Adventurer
HappyHourSumwurYes, same...moved on over from MOHAA into BF 1942 with the Desert Combat mod in a huge tourney called 21CW (21st century warfare) Absolutely the most fun, intense hard core stuff I was involved in for over a decade. When BF2 came out, changed everything with the commander mode and the ability to spawn out guys on your SL hidden away. IMO, it took the necessity of planning routes and having supporting cast IE: Air and Armor support, out of the game. Now you could halo a spec ops squad in, hide and spawn in guys which is completely dumbing down the game.
Which brings me to why I disagree with everyone in Apex being able to craft banners, and bring players back in. There is no thought process in actually surviving. Your squad makeup has a huge element that is no longer of any concern. To me, that is simply dumbing the game down. Just look at the shear amount of all SUPPORT class squads we see now. Anyone who has played since season 1 can tell you that. It never used to happen., or at best was a rarity. That is purely a result of changes the devs made, which IMO...has dumbed the game down.
I think games are best when they are in their rawest form. Trying to do too much is what usually wrecks a game. BF 3, 4 etc etc...cant stand it now. Way too much eye candy and not enough focus on game mechanics. Used to take skill to fly an F-16 with an X52 pro Joystick and throttle in say...Falcon 4, now everything is catered to the controller bots and arcade style mechanics.
I guess those who have not seen the gaming progression over the past 30 years, just wont get how bad dumbing the games down has become.
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