Forum Discussion
It’s made the game unplayable again. I did not use the PK that frequently either. Landing shots has become more difficult, it seems like lag and people using it for an advantage is back. Imve had multiple rounds in which a player I was engaged with was rubber banding and I could not land shots on them. Get ping standards already, it’s a reasonable requirement ..
you need to nerf Gibi’s gun shield it’s insanely OP. There is no way a player can out shoot a gibi in close combat. He’s way OP right now, most players don’t see it because they don’t use him. the only way to kill one is at range with head shots or if they are a really bad shot. If all things are equally the gibi is going to win the fight every time because of that stupid gun shield. Heck I’ve lost gun fights tjat I got the first shots off in, to a gibi because of that shield.
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