Forum Discussion
My concern is with quit penalty. I normally play with one buddy. So often the third is a random picked up because duo's is no longer available. Quick sidenote duos was the best gametype . Anyways if me and my buddy fight a team and die and the random makes no effort to retrieve banners either because more players camp your death box because either it ensures they get another kill or they make sure you time out. If we are in ranked and time out due to camping deathboxes or the teamate hiding on the edge of every circle behind a random rock why get penalized for leaving. I shouldnt have to watch someone camp the edge of the map for 15 minutes. Its ridiculous really . If you can't fix the penalty to rage quitting when respawn is still possible then offer ranked duos or solo. If I die and the random makes no effort to retrieve banners then my wait is only a min before next match not 15 for him to camp then die Anyways . There are certain task that require ranked gameplay. In weekly challenges. I think the idea of penalty is good for rage quitting but in non ranked the third random always rage quits with no penalty. Don't have challenges centered around ranked and unreasonable penalty when gameplay for tha particular match is no longer possible. Please fix this issue or offer ranked duo or solo gametypes.
- 6 years ago@Yadigbeefstick Who said you have to wait for 15 minutes? Last I checked, you can leave the match after the timeout. Or after 2 minutes 40 seconds if I am correct, after he picks up your banner.
- 6 years ago
I was in a ranked and me and my buddy timed out the third guy didn't get our banner at all and since we timed out I backed out of the match and it penalized me and I had to wait 5 min because it was my first penalty. My buddy stayed in the match and the guy hid till final three then died when he got caught I wasn't saying it as I had to I didn't understand why I got penalized though
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