4 years ago
Food comparison
So... if you made Mirage’s porkchops you would likely vomit due to the amount of ‘seasoning’ involved. Well that has nothing to do with this thread, but I’ve got apex in this thread so it can’t get...
@hayhorDid you just diss cottage cheese!? I just had Chilli Cottage Cheese yesterday, so good. 👌
You might be eating it differently, I don't like eating it raw. We only eat it as sort of veggies, cook it with spice and all (called paneer here)
@hayhor Thats probably because paneer is made by curdling milk lol. 😛
It's actually quite nice, the taste isn't what you're thinking lol.
@ILostT0Loba The tikka shish looks lush too. 😛
One of my favourite bbq dishes hehe.
@hayhor hahaha fair enough, like loba said though they rarely just eat it raw.
My favourite way of eating it is cooking something called saag paneer, which is like a spiced side dish, with few fresh cooked roti on the side. Real healthy and it tastes delicious. 😛
Looks nothing like generic cottage cheese then. ^.^
Yeah I know other cheese are made the same but they dont look like this-