Forum Discussion
@soccerking122 It depends on your skill level and what type of teams you put together.
Some (very few) can make master rank solo. Some (few) can make master with a good team.
If you don’t have at least a 3k damage badge then Master is likely out of reach.
That is not to say you can’t improve your play. The people who make master use everything to gain an advantage. Nades, abilities, OP legends, OP guns, movement both around buildings and spam crouch/strafing.
If you’re lacking in one area work on improving it and mixing it in with your skill set.
i don’t push for rank anymore. It’s nothing but stress. I’d rather just have fun in PUBS.
When you've been playing games for as long as I have you eventually stop seeing the point in chasing rank for every new game (and these days, every new season). I know I can shoot well in the virtual world. I have impressed very few IRL people with in-game ranks, but not because my ranks sucked.
My old ranks are meaningless even to me now and yet I still like try my best in new games that I pick up. I was left with the conclusion that despite my tryharding, a positive experience still comes ahead of winning.
I don't consider any BR games to have a good competitive ruleset, and I don't even know how to make it so without removing staples of the mode. Competitive interest is something that can rise purely out of a games popularity rather than competitive viability and that is what I believe is happening here. Way too many variables to grant an honest relaying of my performance. And if I were to trust in the law of averages and play many, many games to get where I want to be... that's a grind and a half. Like other grinds, but with more soul-sucking egos than I know I deserve. The winning move is to not play, especially not get dragged down by said egos.
If I were to ever start a twitch channel I could prove more in a single stream, playing any shooter of my choice than I could in hundreds of hours trying to fetch a badge in this one specific game. I will keep playing how I do. Solo queue, unranked, where I have a chance to carry, get absolutely f***ed, or maybe even meet some sentient teammates who can exchange help for help. Chaos. Just the way I like it; the kind of thing that BR does best.
Edit: Oh and another point I forgot to add. Matchmaking systems in games SUCK! Third party competitive scenes are always better. Even playing a multiplayer game through a server browser comes with its much more pleasant, player moderated culture. I only enjoy this game so much because I've come to terms with its f***fest nature.