Forum Discussion
30 Replies
- Stealthlord016 days agoRising Newcomer
dear pandareno1999. "rather than letting the software do it for you" is kinda dumb statement while using aim assist
Hoping OP tried this and got banned. His last activity was in November. How naive can someone be, to not think that wasn't a bannable offense? What kind of lawless city does that wild boy live in?
- @NickBeam27 , It isn't that people want to cheat, but using new movement is really fun, but this certain movement is just impossible to consistently pull off, so people want to know, if, what some crackheads in the game offer, is something others can use just so they are not the ones, that decide not to use something, that is legal and could actually even the playing field against better players, that already use the cfg files and other things to make their game better. I for one think, that these config files for supergliding are or should be bannable, because it is essentially a macro, but executed differently. That is all.
@HaruMitzuki The problem is that autoexec files are essentially a lesser form of macro in a sense which is what moves them away from being in the gray area, and puts them in the exploit category.
Despite not being full automation they're non reflective of skill, which makes aim assist a much closer comparison than the aimbot comparison offered by cheeseman tbh. The fundamental differences between the two things is;
A) AA is in places to create a more level playing field due to controller constraints. Which isn't what autoexec achieves.
B) Authorisation . With that in mind anybody choosing to use autoexec can't really complain if they get banned.
- @HaruMitzuki Just do it mate then report back to us if you got banned or not. Only then we can know the answer to the OP's question. 🙂
This doesn't make any sense what im saying is supergliding is available for everyone and sure using the cfg files could be considered exploiting but using aimbot is just a different story literally nobody can aim as well as a person using aimbot nobody can hit all 10 headshots on a guy moving around, it doesn't make aim easier it aims for you.
- @HaruMitzuki Aimbot cheats make aiming easier. Any modification that makes things automatic or easier could get you banned.
- RaginSam3 years agoSeasoned Ace
@HaruMitzukiIt's an exploit. Not cheating. Can you do it every time without the config? No?
It's not an intended thing programmed into the game. The more people play a game, the more bugs, exploits get exposed. Like how tap strafing gets discovered even though it wasn't intentionally put into the game. Which the Devs have made clear they would prefer to remove it from the game. Sometimes in games like Rocket League it makes sense because it's not really breaking the game. Not that Superglide is either.
You also have to understand that being an online game that adds even more variables. Ever notice how hard it is to get bullets to register on a Path swing around in the air? It's hard to hit him, but even if you're dead on it's hard to find his hit boxes. Same thing happens when someone all of a sudden moves faster than what is typically normal. It messes with the netcode and hit registration.
Games that are live service are never ending in development. But its not cheating tho the config is to make supergliding easier and everyone can superglide so you saying it makes people move faster is wrong because everyone can supergldie this is just a way to make it easier.
- RaginSam3 years agoSeasoned Ace
Something that makes you move faster in the game using a config is an exploit. I don't think using scripts or config is a problem in itself, but giving yourself an advantage to move faster consistently is basically cheating.
I think stuff like this is on the Dev's to come up with a solution, but it's not easy I'm sure.
Will you get banned? I highly doubt that. People using "strike packs" get banned? Probably not...
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