@Yohimbay No it's not. It slows down your sensitivity by ~33% when you're close to a target, other than that is does nothing, no work is done for you, no auto tracking either. To have the same effect without AA on controller you'd have to lower your sensitivity a lot which will make most players move like a potato. Usually when people lose to other players it's easy to blame the other person but more often than not the problem lies with you. I got 1 clipped up close and at range many times, also 2 tapped in the head with a Wingman or a PK up close more times than I care to remember by mouse players. A controller player used to be the least of my worries,,,it is what it is. I suspect your issue is not controller but people cheating. Also, why would it be so hard to accept that maybe, just maybe you got outplayed by a better player?