@justalbright26 Master tier + Predator tier + Diamond tiers 3 through 1 = 4.4% of the player base. If you're saying that within that spread the better players can crush the "lesser" Diamond 4 players... then this game has a) way too many cheaters and/or b) way too wide of a skill gap. If you're also saying that all your matches are pitting you against these superior players and that you never get matched against people you can beat, then I'd say SBMM is penalizing you because you D4s are apparently the feeder fish for the better players. That would explain why they are 4.4% and D4 alone is 9.8%. If it wasn't for you guys the elites would probably never even be able to get a match. Anyway, thanks for being the human shield who keeps them away from my matches.