Forum Discussion
All us poor saps who are already $100+ in trying to get some decent gear for our preferred characters would be pretty upset lol
Why would you be upset if they fixing something thats flawed broken?
I heard someone use the cornucopia argument about the lootboxes... and i can see the appeal in that, but op is going for the heart of the gamer!
I spent 20 bux on lootboxes eventho i do not agree with the ethics behind them... and to be honest .... the 20 bux really didnt feel very good... i knew it wouldnt ...
but thats not why i spent 20 bux on the game....
I spent 20 bux b/c i agree with the actions of the company so far....
No faulty/misleading marketing...fronting/promising * for money right now
No predatory alpha/beta/seasonal passes...
No chopping up an already finished game, and putting paywalls on the content/dlc they already made....
No pay to win or pay a lot to win micro-transaction models that give you in game advantages....
Telling EA to * off in a sense....
And i would be willing to spend more and support a game that plans on investing time and money to make the game better and newer as time goes on...
Not just another Asset flip, where they take half the dev team and go work on the next new shiney micro-transaction filled new release that eventualy culls the originals games playerbase to go onto another game....
But only time will tell, and actions speak louder than words... so im just watching and waiting now.
Good Luck Respawn a lot of us are rooting for you!
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