5 years ago
The Legends’ Nerf
Hello people of Nerfed Mains, we will talk about the legends Nerf. Honestly, I kinda agree and understand why they did this. It’s because people spammed. They maybe could use a buff. Legends that th...
I really dont think Wraiths cooldown needs dropping. She shouldnt be able to mitigate all damage and run away more than once in a fight, it would get silly then. I wouldnt care if they dropped it to 30 seconds maybe, but if you were proposing to drop it to 20 seconds or such then i think it would become way too overpowered.
Wraith is the number 1 legend from season 1. You just can`t ask for buff. Its not that hard to get it.
She is the most picked legends and have the best k/d/r stats ing.
So you can`t ask for a buff, for number 1 legend ing.
If anything Wraith needs to be nerfed more she is still over picked. And she climbs slightly higher i believe and her movement sounds is missed up as well as Reverent cant shut her up.
I've seen it on videos. Same with the Shut up.
@Eye_of_Horus_02 Just because she's the most picked doesn't mean she has to be nerfed. You can't expect to have an equal pick rate for every legend, there's always gonna be a fan favorite. As she stands now she is just fine. I'd rather start fixing the portal bug, where it pops you out before the real end of it, so if put it behind a rock for example, you could find yourself in the middle of nowhere with no cover or whatsoever. I didn't notice any climbing advantage for her so i can't tell anything about that. As For her audio i'm ok, i mean it's as much as bad as for every other legend(you know, audio in this game is pretty awful lol).