5 years ago
Toxic teammates
I love Apex, but everytime meet toxic teammates. I'm not a pro player, i'll do my job. Every time there is a man who just ruin my game by saying horrible things, even if we won the match they have to...
Sorry to hear you encountered toxic teammates.
You best report them and move on, no one deserves being harassed because they aren't a god in Apex.
Keep up your spirit, if you ever need a positive teammate (PC)
Feel free to add me 😉
Eh, Trash talking isn't the same as harassment as long you all know it's just banter.
It's a thin line but a game without trash-talking would be a bit boring not? 😉
Yeah banters another thing entirely, my duo partners an octane main so i'm always griefing him calling him a loot goblin and kill stealer, he gives it back as i can be pretty scatter brained occasionally and make highly questionable plays lol.
However hurling abuse at people one doesn't know because they don't meet one's self inflated standards of skill is ridiculous. I've had players screaming abuse at me for ignoring their terrible plays throughout entire matches, only to go on and win the match after they've raged.
@barbiefart Do the best you can and have fun in the process, laugh at the haters and make light of their toxic attitudes, don't bite back...it irks them far more than any insult ever will. 😛