5 years ago
Toxic teammates
I love Apex, but everytime meet toxic teammates. I'm not a pro player, i'll do my job. Every time there is a man who just ruin my game by saying horrible things, even if we won the match they have to...
LMAOOOO meet a lot of them
dem plats thats bring his burden gold friend,
1 sec both die in clash nowhere to save them banner since enemy guard it
or wanna 3rd party someone, ALWAYS before engage 1 of them shooting from afar exposed our location not even know what surprise element is
they always said some thing like :
"yeeyy * thats how you play? hiding?"
"loool that aim"
"hahaha that badge tho no wonder you noob"
last brain dead random friends wanna 1 vs 1 me in training ground (LOL), invite me to lobby i show them my main legend's badge, then exit party, not even worth my time 1vs1 them