I agree but why no1 asks why those ppl behave this way. e.g. I got banned recently for being toxic but why tho? let me explain, people troll in-game a lot, they dont say anything just troll and bait you to talk * then u get banned. I ll give few examples, 1 ranked game we were 3 looting and another team approached, we started fight and geuss what we were 2 ppl. ofc we died cos it was 2v3, 3rd guy was hiding and I started to ask what r u doing etc, he replied " I dont want to fight, idc about you, you can leave if u want, just grinding rp" y then i talked * and the other guy in my team did the same. why do i have to play with ppl just hiding around playing solo, looting and dying to zone at last and me being forced to watch him for 10 mins straight. A lot of ppl just play it for loot tho many games i see ppl just loot. another example, again we were in fight, 2 of us and 3rd guy just looting, the enemy front of him we are fighting straight for 30 secs and hes behind the enemy just looting then he finished looting and ran. there are countless more that I experienced just in few weeks. spammers, looters, soloplayers, afks. maybe after my ban is lifted i should search for teammates, cos soloQ is pain. or rank up fast so i can play with ppl who really plays it not trolls.