Good day,
I was unable to play Apex legends for almost 5 days now due to a code leaf/net each time I try to get into a match. The game freezes at legends select and I can't even choose one. Sometimes I can drop off the ship but then the game freezes and I go back on the main menu with a code leaf or code net, it is totally random which one will appear. This problem seems to touch only PC servers as my little brother got a PS4 and he can play Apex Legends, we share the same connection in the same house.
I also tried sending a ticket with the origin intended tool but each time it says it was unable to send my report and to check my internet connection. My connection is fine, I play LoL, EVE online, Dota 2 and none of them got any problem. My internet connection is a fiber optic network and only Origin and Apex have problem with it within all my games, so it becomes very frustrating and I seek a solution to this problem. Thank you.