Forum Discussion
Will it contribute to the balance of infantry gameplay? If so, how? The addition of AtG anti-infantry weapons on jets reminds me of the rocketlols in BF3, which was unremittingly awful gameplay if you were on foot. I'm sure the pilots enjoyed it.
At the moment, infantry gameplay suffers from, among other things, an overabundance of anti-personnel vehicles. Call-in limitations are a welcome idea, but I'm not sure replacing that with "giant orbiting anti-personnel 40mm sniper lols" is any better. The AC-130 in BF4 was lame.
- 4 years ago
@filthy_vegans Yes absolutely!
Allow me to explain. The incorporation of the C-17 vehicle which replaces the "call in system" currently actually reduces the amount of vehicles on the map benefitting infantry. It also provides teams with deniable objectives and give Fighter Jets more reason to exist. If you destroy a Condor you remove the ability for "tactical insertions" of troops from the air. If you destroy the C-17 you actually deny the enemy teams ability to "call in" more vehicles. Allowing the team that destroyed the C-17 a chance to clean out the map before another one spawns. Thus giving the ground forces more time to do their job without having vehicles raining on them. This deny feature almost double benefits the infantry.
As for the anti infantry weapons given to the Panther. The Panther imo is a unique hybrid plane. It can do some of the job of a Dog Fighter and some of the job of a Chopper but neither one will be as good as an actual dog fighter or chopper. Let me explain the weapons for the US Panther/RU Puma:
(NEW) 25 mm long barrel cannon:
- This allows the Panther to engage targets on the ground similar to how planes can in other BF Titles. However since the panther can hover he can engage grounds forces more effectively than just strafing and at a "safer" distance. However VTOL comes with its risks as you are a sitting duck for choppers and dog fighter class jets. (This gun is more of the panthers Assault Rifle)
(NEW) dual 7.62 miniguns
- This allows the panther to engage up close on multiple ground targets and would have it be able to cause slash damage to hit multiple targets (similar to 20mm). However this requires the jet to be in close proximity to ground forces and is best used in VTOL. As stated above VTOL is highly dangerous in close range to ground targets. So high risk high reward.
- 70 mm anti-personnel rockets
- These are actually the rockets on the nightbird and would only be useful to a Panther while in VTOL mode. As you know VTOL takes a minute to enter and exit. This exposes the plane to ground forces because you need to be up close to use them.
(NEW) AA Smart Rockets:
- These rockets function similar to how the smart rockets that target ground vehicles work. You aim towards a target and if you are within range the rocket lock and strike the target. I feel that this would be exceptionally effective on killing enemy choppers that are unaware of the Panther VTOLing behind them.
Lol as for the giant orbiting sniper. That honestly comes down to balancing. I do not believe it will be able to one shot giant groups of infantry alone, and I would not want its most powerful cannon that does area control to be able to have a ROF so high its raining hellfire. The added anti-ground component like the AC130 is to incentivize the C-17s use and give it something to do between "vehicle drop missions" as I would call them. I even though of it being a bomber of sorts that was an idea I had as well. However, I feel that the long range attacker would have an impact on the battlefield and give the Jets something to defend and try to destroy. I greatly appreciate your questions!
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