4 years ago
Add a server browser
DICE, please add a server browser. I cannot find matches in my region(India). I am just stuck on the waiting for players screen and the match never starts or there are only 20-30 players in a match. ...
Agree! I am from South Africa and have been struggling for 4 days to get a game. EA please do something!!!
@Samuelza135 wrote:Agree! I am from South Africa and have been struggling for 4 days to get a game. EA please do something!!!
Yeah 4 days is totally unacceptable we need to keep highlighting these issues with MM.
The more players who post details of their negative experiences with MM the better.
I notice there are more and more threads popping up with players not being able to play due to MM problems.
DICE need to replace MM urgently and address the problem by giving us a proper Server Browser / Server System ASAP.
In BF1/BFV there is a MM that work together with server browser. Why can't they do that with this game??? They already have server browser in portal, why not just use it will AOW too??
@lK3njil wrote:In BF1/BFV there is a MM that work together with server browser. Why can't they do that with this game??? They already have server browser in portal, why not just use it will AOW too??
That my friend is the one big question the community has been asking on a daily basis and we are patiently awaiting an answer.
It is the only logical solution and there is no reason why they couldn't implement this, we can but hope.!
Well since the CM's can apparently take time out of their busy schedule to chastise me for asking for a server browser elsewhere (WOW on that one by the way, solid community engagement there).
I'll ask YET AGAIN here in this MONTHS old, COMPLETELY IGNORED thread, can we just get a simple YES or NO answer from you guys on whether or not we are ever getting a server browser and persistent servers.
With the lack of a browser and the constant 3 maps over and over you are effectively killing what is left of this games community. Get a darn server browser already and dump this god awful matchmaking!!
More and more players are asking for MM to be replaced, the more players continue to highlight the issue the more hope we have of getting a positive outcome.
Iv seen somewhere in the past where they said there not going to add a server browser to AOW. So is there anyway that we could please at least push for a map rotation. Get really tired of going to the menu after every game or joining into a game at the end of round screen just to go through loading screens and menu all over again.
Their last official response was in August last year when they stated they had currently no plans to bring a Server Browser at that time.
Being sent back to the lobby after every single round is so frustrating especially as you say when MM puts you in to a match that has only seconds left. Or puts you in the same map over and over.
There are players who are unable to play at all due to low player counts in their regions, they need to have a Server Browser to allow them to find games.
Think how much better it was when we were able to bookmark our favourite servers and return there daily to join with friends / clan members, BF was a thriving community back then.
A proper Server Browser / Persistent Servers has always been the mainstay of all previous BF's and imho they should do the right thing and replace MM asap, not only for BF2042 but for all future BF titles.
DICE please make it happen for the good of BF2042 and the BF franchise going forward.
Almost 3800 requests for a feature that is needed, and we get nothing.
One person on Twitch complains he can't sit safely on top of the skyscraper all day being no use to team or squad, he gets the scope glint nerf.
Really DICE ¬_¬
100% this, it sums up the issues that players are having to deal with on a daily basis.
Imho it is unacceptable that you are having to use VPN in a BF title and I agree the sooner they give back control to the players the better, MM simply cannot cope with players needs in a BF game.