Please do not strip 128 player Breakthrough - it is the best mode in my opinion.
Personally, I don't think there is an issue with over-intensity on the objectives. If anything, I'd ramp up the intensity. But for this to work you need to improve the objective areas themselves.
Currently, on a number of maps, you're fighting over unimportant things like a warehouse or two or a sculpture in the park. There's nothing of interest or importance and little cover. You have 128 players scrapping over nothing. Add something to the objective areas. Make us fight for SOMETHING. Chuck some cover in there. Create an environment where proper, all-out firefights can develop and take place. Add in destruction so we get the immersion of the absolute nightmare scenario we are supposed to be in. Right now, it's either a kill-fest for one team or the least intense occupation of an area you could ever experience (differing depending on the objective).
I also don't feel being overwhelmed by vehicles is an issue. You have given us the freedom to attach whatever we like to our classes. Technically, we have the capability to have 64 AA/M5 launchers at our team's disposal. Obviously that won't happen but the option is there for the team. If the opposing team has vehicle superiority, it is up to the team to counter and resolve that. There is absolutely no way a team could maintain aerial superiority if the opposing team adjusted to counter this together. Let's say a team has 3 aircraft up. 15 players equip launchers... we all know how that's ending with a bit of coordination! (VOIP would obviously help with this coordination)
Please do not strip this mode 🙂