Hello thogether, i hope i can help you to update the maps with my feedback. I would be happy when you like this post if you think my feedback is good 🙂!!
The best Part in brakethrough is, that you can cover, push and hold the target. Thats why i play the gamemode. What i often have is, i would kill from helis or jets instant by spawning on beginning of a round. This is not nice when you start your first round and this is what you get first on the day...
To get a better playeable game with 128 players is a third flag for 128 players.This can work better or you take off some vehicles.
The biggest problem for the sitelines is breakaway. All this map are at the beginning (on the hill site) too open, and has to many open and alone places. Enemys can easy flank the defender and no one knows where you have too look first. On renewal is in my opinion the best cover and gameplay. Discardes starts with a nice first flag for attacker but at the end, its a mess to fight in and on the ship.
The biggest problem here is Orbital and the very big runway to the rocket where you can't walk without getting killed from an tank. (Yes you have the tunnel but this is a mess of granates.
The easiest way to check where you have to put cover is, play the game???. Look up and find out where the spots are you can see many snipers or something else. I dont know why we have to check this as player for you?! In my opinion you can place some big gabs on the streets or old or destroyed tanks to get cover on the streets. or trucks or cars. its a aftermath time, where are all the cars from the civilists??? so put this things on the maps. We need a big mess of war on the streets like shanghai in bf4. A lot of stuff on the ground, destroyed gas tanks or big crates on the ground. I know you can do this 🙂 !
Year... i hope we can help you with the game and get a good Battlefield.
Bye your ennomo96