Good day @Straatford87. As a player with 600 hours in the game, this is my feedback regarding the issues outlined in the post (mostly, if not all, for Breakthrough):
- Agreed with the Spawn being to far from the Flags for defenders. When a Flag is captured, is really hard for defenders to fight back. This is specially harder in Kaleidoscope 1st Sector for 128p BT. Manifest 128p BT all sectors.
- Related specially to Conquest (although it also applies to Breakthrough), the game needs more utility transport vehicles (4x4 trucks, quad bikes, etc). In my opinion, there should be at least 4 of each per flag. And players should be able to call this vehicles through the callout system.
- Flat terrain also influences the difficulty for defenders to regain Flag control, as the players spawn in very open areas without any cover, and they have to traverse medium to long distances with direct line of sight from attackers. This is especially true in Breakaway Second sector, Hourglass second sector, Kaleidoscope first sector, Discarded fourth sector, Renewal fourth sector, etc, although it is present in the whole breakthrough gameplay in more or less intensity.
- Also related to this is the long distances between flags. Especial examples of this is sector A in Orbital and Sector B in Hourglass (3 flags sector).
- Seeing your Prototype Layout, in my opinion, moving the flags closer together do helps, but by removing other locations your diminishing the map variety. This already happened when rooftop flags were removed, instead of reworked, and being a game with only 7 Maps, this is actually counterproductive. I think you could apply a varied layout like it was done for Al Marj Encampment in BFV. For example, in Kaleidoscope, 1 variation could have the A1 flag the same as of now, and A2 in the skate park (adding cover to this location); While the second variation could have the flag arranged like your prototype.
- Related to my fix example in point 5, this could be applied to several other maps, where some locations are being underutilized and wasted. I think most players would agree that the Stadium in Hourglass is a great infantry close quarters location, still it is only used in 128p conquest. Some Breakthrough/Conquest variations could use this location more. Same happens with C flag in Orbital, which only appears in Conquest 128p. I'm sure there are other locations as well that I cannot think of now.
- While i know i might be the minority, i think Breakthrough is better played in 128p. However, for this to be true for all players, performance needs to be improved. Sadly, 128p is way too taxing for the majority of player's PCs, therefore it ends in a bad experience with low FPS, crash, etc.
- Also regarding 128p Breakthroug, the vehicles balance plays a big role in the bad overall experience. There are two main ofenders when people refers to vehicles being OP, the Bolte and the Nightbird. These 2 vehicles are catalogued in the game as TRANSPORT, however their firepower makes them more of an Attack vehicle, and in fact, they only have 2 seats each, so it makes no sense to them being catalogued as transport. This can be fixed in either 2 ways:
- Nerf both, removing firepower (specifically the 30mm cannons)
- Keep their firepower, but move both to the Attack category (tank for Bolte and Attack Heli for Nightbird).
- Flag capture zone size. In my opinion, the size of the Flags is too small for 128p players. I think zones should be wider, which would allow for the battle for flags to be spread over a larger area, lowering the "too much chaos" experience. There are some flags that are specially small and makes no sense for 128p (might not even be good for 64p). The biggest example is the second sector, B flag, in Kaleidoscope, just a little square of 5x5 mts inside a room (due to the characteristics, once attackers start taking it, theres almost no way defenders fight back). There are other zones, like the second sector and third sector in Discarded, last sector in Orbital, among others, that could be wider.
Line of Sight:
- While there are obvious conditions regarding this, like flat terrain, lack of cover, etc; there is one issue that i find really important. There are maps where Attackers or Defenders vehicles have clear line of sight to Flags from far locations, which allow them to just camp almost without a way to respond. Biggest example of this is Manifest, where vehicles (especially Boltes) can camp from the hills where D sector is located and shoot the attackers path to second sector in Breakthrough. The other location with similar characteristics is the second sector, B2 Flag, in Breakaway, where Attacker's vehicles can shoot the Flag from the ice wall.
- Other issues (flat terrain, lack of cover) are also related to Spawn being too far from Flags. For example, the first sector in Renewal is especially bad for attackers, who need to run a long distance through a very flat terrain. This can be fixed by adding more cover (destroyed vehicles, concrete structures) or by directly making the spawn closer. I would prefer adding cover instead of just moving the spawn, as this improves map atmosphere.
- I like the more open minded approach that bigger maps bring, but due to all the other issues, not having "strict" paths to flags end up turning the gameplay into a mess. I would like to see how rounds are played if fixes to Traversal, Intensity, Line of Sight and Cover are applied, without changing the actual "sandbox" approach.
- Directly related to Line of Sight, cover is one of the biggest issue in the Map Design for 2042. Zones like B flag in Breakaway are a total nightmare for infantry to traverse. Also the dunes in Hourglass suffer from the same experience. Making flags closer together, while adding a bunch of cover props (concrete structures, destroyed vehicles, trailers, etc) would make gameplay alot better. It is important to add cover that cannot be destroyed by vehicles (vehicles should have specific influence zones that infantry should not 100% need to traverse)
- I'm not sure if this is possible (should be as it was possible before), but adding a Fortifications system like BFV had would help alot with the lack of cover and overall game's atmosphere.
And finally, not an "ISSUE" as per your post, but i think is an important point. The maps need to have a more "WAR, BATTLE" atmosphere. Concept Art had images of locations being in a very bad shape, buildings with windows exploding, locations flooded, vegetation running free, but none of this is in the actual maps. All Kaleidoscope and Hourglass buildings are in pristine shape; only "flooded" locations are part of the C Flag in Orbital and C flag in Discarded; and no location has vegetation invading the city, or abandoned vehicles, anything that gives the sense of Global War that the game should have according to the Lore.